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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Chehn4goHBUjm7nf6ty7DVIFkBfOlY5m/view?usp=drive_link

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The importance of certain clothes when you're a teenager is crazy. You looked perfectly fine as well, Josh. I'm glad we had a school uniform because we were quite poor too and almost everything I had was second-hand, non branded stuff. Our uniform was really comfy too, all we had to wear was any black or dark grey trousers and the blue school t-shirt with the school emblem on it. And a matching jumper for in the cold weather. No blazers or ties etc. Then the year after I left they brought in a really strict uniform code and a really ugly uniform. My sister had to wear a shirt, blazer and mustard coloured tie and a grotesque, very long, mustard and purple tartan skirt. A skirt even an old woman wouldn't be seen dead in. She and her mates hated it, it was great 😁 I'm so glad they waited till our year left to introduce it. It's as if they held a contest to design the most hideous uniform. Everyone looked horrible so nobody could bully anyone for what they were wearing lol.


Josh,I can't imagine that there are people that didn't like you. They must be nuts..


Oh and that's coming from someone who's cool as fuck... Haha... Sort of....Probably .... Not


I agree school uniforms can be alot better because kids can be terrible for bullying. If you wore anything different than what was in style at the time the kids I went to school with went in on you all day. Your uniform sounds simple and easy which would have been nice. The kids now that have uniforms mostly seem to wear white polo shirts and navy blue pants or skirts.