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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QbGfUroYSEbbbghkTVZp2yPl8f7KgreS/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/yzmw8noo4nt2ikp/Toast_of_London_Season_3_Episode_4_Bob_a_Job.mp4/file

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Good episode, I love how insane this show is :D Josh those prices you showed at the end are insane. Thousands for a ride in an ambulance 😑 absolutely mental. I'd be tempted to tell them to leave me there to die. I was curious so did a little bit of researching, apparently you can actually get gender reassignment on the NHS for free but there's a very long waiting list for that type of surgery. So many opt for private treatment. Male to female surgery costs between £10,000 £25,000 while female to male is typically more expensive ranging between £20,000 up to £100,000. I'm sure there's a lot of variation depending on the area, which clinic they choose etc. Bearing in mind this show is from a good few years back, that four grand was probably about right then I'd say.

Robert Ballard



I've always wondered which direction is more common; male to female or female to male. I just assumed it was mostly men wanting to transition to women, and far fewer in the opposite direction, but I've no idea if that's true. It could just be that most examples from pop culture are trans women, ie. men who transitioned into being women, and my judgement's skewed as a result.