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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OpiYGvc52y3eGGY1D-ABDkok5MJfs8w3/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/oxmft2cu4tbhwbm/Toast_Of_London_Season_3_Episode_1_Over_the_Moon.mp4/file

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Ian Richards

I think the original obstacle to Patrick Stewart getting cast as Picard was that (as the name Jean-Luc Picard suggests) Gene Roddenberry imagined the character as a swashbuckling young Frenchman with long, flowing locks who'd be a fitting successor to Captain Kirk, but Stewart had the acting chops to change his mind. Though it's somewhat hilarious, from a British perspective, that the writers decided to explain away the whole Englishman-with-a-French-name thing by declaring that in the 24th century French language and culture have basically died out, and everyone in France now speaks British English, drinks tea, reads Shakespeare and listens to Gilbert & Sullivan. Victory, at long last! :D


I thought there was a season 3 but I could not remember, season 3 felt like a fever dream cause i saw it when I had a really bad cold so I could never remember if season 3 was real or not