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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s7eGFLCe9psdq5vjLDF9NHfeZpFzReTD/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/7ilielcp2e7t5dp/This_Country_Season_1_Episode_6_GNVQ.mp4/file

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Dailymotion Temporary Link-https://dai.ly/x8ovm7b

Daily Motion Password:95

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It's weird looking back at nicknames you used to get at school and how powerful they were at the time compared to how meaningless(or even quite complimentary) they seem in the present. Thinking back on these nicknames...well, everyone loves porkchops, so fuck those kids. I remember being called Elvis because I used to fiddle with my hair all the time, constantly running my hands through it, and I used to be mortified and enraged whenever anyone called me that. Why? Because it was a nickname that was meant to humiliate. No other reason. Elvis had great hair, there's no reason why it should've embarrassed me so much. But it did. If it's a nickname then it's meant to hurt, so it does hurt. I do feel like the last seven or eight years has been a process of all of us getting dragged back into that same classroom atmosphere, because of social media and the rise of people like Trump. It's like the revenge of the people whose highpoint in life was at highschool, and who then had to watch all the nerds and geeks and quiet kids outpace them in life. And finally they get to turn the clocks back, they get to elect the biggest bully of them all, and they get to apeshit for a decade or so, and feel a little of their schoolyard glory days while dominating and upsetting all those kids, now adults, who outpaced them. Brexit had some of that to it too - all that stuff about 'we've had enough of experts'.


It’s a shame the Scooter Scene was cut out