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Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!    Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!


Ian Richards

Spoilers are definitely contentious, and I do err on the side of caution myself (even with older stuff, there are always new generations who can experience the story for the first time and can't really be blamed for not having done so before), but there's also a tendency for some iconic twists to get parodied and referenced so much that they just become common currency. I didn't see The Empire Strikes Back until the 1990s, for instance, but I knew about the [SPOILER ALERT FOR ANYONE WHO'S LIVED IN A BUBBLE SINCE 1980] "Luke, I am your father!" stuff beforehand, because it's been spoofed a ton of times in everything from the Simpsons to South Park. On the one hand it's a shame that classic twists don't get preserved for future audiences, but on the other, riffing on widely-seen stuff is what pop culture's all about, and if the worst thing that ever happens to you is finding out that soylent green is people before Charlton Heston tells you so, then you can probably count yourself lucky. With that in mind, you really should watch Psycho before you find out the twist (and Rear Window, The Birds, Strangers On A Train and the original 1935 version of The 39 Steps for a good dose of Hitchcock's best). Even if you do suss out what's going on halfway through, the acting and direction is just too good to pass up on.


I think is this one of, if not the weakest episode so far and it also had a lot of British references that's likely to go over the average Americans head... There were still a few funny scenes though.


Very true bud, I do try to be cautious of spoilers because you never know and I don't want to ruin a movie or show for someone.