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Jez and Clem Fandango , LOL


If it was a guy, do you think the inclination to wait for an explanation on why they are cheating would be as likely of a reaction. I've not seen the show before, so I don't know what's next.


"I don't know if I want the weight of Russell Brand on my shoulders." That's a line which may as well have come from a Channel 4 executive, given the news this week.

Austin Stratton

Never seen this show before, actively avoided it sometimes, not exactly sure why.. just didn't appeal to me I guess? Looked like a watered down Skins copy.. Nice to see it has Charlotte Richie in it though, she is an absolute babe! But I am always willing to try new shows.. and if I don't like it.. well guess what? Just gonna skip Thursdays and enjoy all the other shows I do like.. fancy that! Strange concept for some, I know, but it's a real hoot!


It's not really my cup of tea either. I've watched a couple of Josh's reactions to it now, and it hasn't grabbed me. Funnily enough though I'm also going to just enjoy the other great content here, and not throw a massive wobbily because I don't enjoy this. It is indeed a strange concept!