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Ian Richards

Ages ago I mentioned in a comment that they've done three standalone Taskmaster New Year specials so far; if you're doing TM in chronological order then the first of those New Year episodes should be next up, as it was broadcast on 1st January 2021 in between Series 10 and 11. I think the idea at the time was to compensate for having only had one series in 2020, and cheer everyone up during a long hard winter, but the New Year Treat has ended up becoming an annual tradition now, so you could save them all for a later time if you wanted. The first is up on YouTube, not sure if there's an uncensored version anywhere - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqo4AwoKK0c Otherwise, you'll recognise Lee Mack in Series 11, and there's a couple of other actors (Charlotte Ritchie and Mike Wozniak) who you might not have seen in anything yet, but they're in shows that have come close to winning the poll.

Michael Harrop

You've made it to Champion of Champions 2!!! Such a stellar line up, it's so much fun!