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Mid Morning Matters with Alan Partridge Thumbnail

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Jack Morgan

Scissored isle isn't separate from the series. It's a mid-morning matters special that follows on directly from the show. You'd be doing yourself dirty if you missed it cause it's Alan at his absolute best. 👍


Next Tv series poll you need the young offenders on it it’s an Irish comedy

James Aston

I definitely recommend reading the two Alan Partridge books. They've made two of them (I, Partridge and Nomad), and if you don't want to read then Coogan has recorded audio versions of both. Really funny.

Kieran B

There’s also two series of ‘podcasts’ on Audible called From the Oasthouse’

Kieran B

Yeah Scissored Isle is definitely worth a watch, as is Welcome to the Places of My Life - which should be next?


You def need to read the book man. It’s absolutely hilarious and really gives you insight into why alan is the way he is.

Kieran B

Was lucky enough to briefly appear in a Robert Popper comedy (I Hate You), though most of my scenes didn’t appear in the final cut 😂


I'm surprised I've never noticed anyone recommend Saxondale (13 episodes) for the short show poll. It's another great Steve Coogan creation about a middle aged former rock band roadie turned pest controller with anger management issues. An absolutely great character and show.


On the subject of books, you should check out Robert Popper's two books called the Timewaster Letters. They're absolutely hilarious.


I've brought it up so many times now but the book he's talking about in this special really is brilliant. The funniest book I've ever read. The excerpts he read aren't the highlights because the entire book is brilliant throughout, and constantly funny. It's like a giant block of comedy wagyubeef; wherever you slice into it it's funny, funny all the way through, because it was written(ie. massaged) by the best comic writers(ie. Japanese beef farmers). It's dense with concentrated chuckle-meat. I cannot recommend it highly enough; the only risk is I've oversold it by now, along with everyone else who's recommended it in this comment section.


I don't think Partridge had read the book by Martin Bryce. Bruce mentioned the carrots when he was taking about his book earlier. Partridge was just paying attention.


You remind me of Colin hunt from the fast show


JOSH: You didn't seem to pick up on the fact that the passage from the book where Alan is talking about his encounter with a crazed fan named Maxwell is the encounter we saw in the first series of I'm Alan Partridge. The joke here being that Alan is painting himself as a hard man, who beat up Maxwell. Whereas, we know that's BS and that Alan was a complete coward during the confrontation.


I remember having Partridge audiobook, and laughing out on the train. like a crazy fool. put that on ya poster


I thought that, but then I remembered that that gentleman was called Jed. However, in an effort to prove you wrong, I looked up his name to be sure, so as not to make a fool of myself. It turns out his name was Jed Maxwell. You were right and so was I.


Aye, he introduces himself as Jed Maxwell in that episode of I'm Alan Partridge.


I've been saying for ages now that you'd enjoy listening to Alan reading I, Partridge on audible. Have you started yet? It really is first class.