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Daily Motion Password:95

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Mid Morning Matters with Alan Partridge Thumbnail

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David Lyons

Heston Blumenthal is a highly respected celebrity chef (who explores scientific/molecular gastronomy with his recipes). The note Alan was passed was saying he's NOT affiliated with any right wing groups, since Alan was intent on giving him a nazi scientist's voice! 😂 Also, sardines are an unusual choice, but certain fish is great with pasta! Tuna pasta bake is a classic British home comfort food, and salmon is often used in Italian pasta dishes, usually with white wine & cream based pasta sauce, along with herbs such as dill or tarragon. Damn, now I've made myself hungry...


It was fennel...tastes a bit like liquorice. Thrilled to see Reece. Great episode!!




i lived in Spain for a year and a half , while going to school there i was forced to eat cold paella , absolutely gross. I've told this before on here but i never ate it , i would fill my pockets up with the stuff until i was let go :D them ingredients reminded me of that for some reason haha , and the lady's outro was hilarious LOL be a man !! xD


Don't know if you have tik tok Josh but Karl's now on there! He's just started doing rockbusters on his story too. His usernames @Karlpilkingt0n

Z is for Zed

Fennel reeks. I don't know who thought it'd be a good idea to put it in food.


Afraid it's a fake account using his facebook live video from a few years back to convince people that he's on tiktok. All the questions he's answeing are from freshly made accounts corresponding to who he replied to on facebook.