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Spoiler Free: This episode was has a lot more jokes compared to the previous episode. That doesn't mean I didn't really like the previous episode the poker game had me on the edge of my seat. It was a really good episode. 

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 Del is a fantastic brother he took an ass whooping for Rodney and lied about it so Rodney wouldn't feel bad. My favorite scene in this entire episode was Del boy thinking Rodney was gay lmao the expression on his face was priceless. When he said I'd rather die in ignorance I died lmao. When granddad said even Id have to think twice about dating her that was fantastic. Overall this was a really fun episode I enjoyed it a lot. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!  

As always I would love to read your comments below


Only Fools and Horses_ Season 2, Episode 4 No Greater Love.mp4



I find this format for only fools and horses to make the show so boring. I only remember when they did the long special though, that's when the show became great.


I get what you saying the specials are what everyone mainly remembers as they are the best ones with the most memorable moments. But I think I enjoyed the specials more cause I had watched these growing up first, I knew the characters and backstories and it made them a lot funnier than if I had watched them first.

Tony Smyth

Boysey (the card cheat) becomes a regular character. He's ostensibly a little bit like a more successful version of Del Boy. His beautiful wife's name is Marlene. I'm sure you've heard her name already. She's a Trophy-Wife... and she's a cheater too. Everybody knows her. (If I was Del Boy I'd say 2 minus 1 equals 7 or 8, and then wink into the camera, knowingly. If I was Rodney I'd stay awake at night wondering who the other 6 or 7 were.)


I love what you say about how the last episode ended man, so true, John Sullivan, as you have seen and will continue to see was a genius writer!! My after work, after work reaction session begins!


I use to get into so many fights when I was a teen over my girlfriend.... never does you any good.


As a fan of British comedy that you are I would like to make a recommendation. When there is a poll here of Britain s favourite comedy Only Fools will be either first or second depending on the age group. The other comedy that would be either first or second is Fawlty Towers. Written by John Cleese of monty python fame. It came out in the late 70s.He stars as an obnoxious hotel owner. They only did 12 episodes and they were comedy perfection. I think you would enjoy them. 😎😁

Rich Moyse

Think Del boy won the fight josh, hence he rehabilitated him 👍🏻


Just watched the Fawlty Towers reaction on Youtube lol,amazing,another one of the UK peoples favourite shows,along with Only Fools,just to pre warn you,as soon as you put Fawlty Towers up on a poll,it will likely win by a landslide,but I think that is the best way to vote in the short term ,by choosing the very popular shows that are limited in seasons and episodes and that won't take long to get through,like Fawlty Towers and The Office,rather than picking stuff with huge numbers of seasons that will take a year or so to complete,best to get the smaller season stuff complete first


Enjoyed this so much thanks Josh, it's great revisiting these old episodes. The relationship between Del and Rodney is the key to making Only Fools what it is. Can't wait till you get to the longer episodes :)

Jonathan Giles

Don’t worry. There’s more gripping episodes to come lol. It just keeps getting better and better


Great reaction josh! Look forward to these every friday


We don't really do moral lessons in British shows like that I think that's more of an American thing. I'm really glad you are enjoying only fools and horses it only gets better from here to be honest it's brilliant it gets better and better.

Steve King

16:10 BUPA is private healthcare. In the UK we have free healthcare via the NHS but rich people tend to pay for private work