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Spoiler Free: I laughed through this entire episode. Season 3 has really started off strong for sure. This episode wasn't as funny as my 2 favorite episodes which are The Work Outing and The Dinner Party. I look forward to adding another favorite episode to the list. Hopefully, the rest of season 3 is just as good as this episode or better. 

Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!! Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!    Spoiler Alert !!!!   Spoiler Alert !!!!

They really did a good job smooshing 4 separate stories together; while giving what felt like, equal screen time to all 4 people Jen, Roy, Moss, and Douglas. 

In the beginning, you have Jen worried about a rogue builder pissing, Roy obsessed with getting his 20 pounds back, Moss dealing with bullies and Douglas trying not to ruin the company. 

In the end, Jen's tub gets pissed in and she can't record the proof. Roy was caught trying to get 20 pounds back. Douglas was shot, hospitalized, and has a pissed off shareholder. Moss scared away his daily bullies and hangs out on the bench soaking it in.

The episode started with everyone having a decent day except Moss and ended with everyone having a shitty day except moss, it was wrapped up nicely. 

Thanks for watching folks !!! Hopefully, you all are happy, safe, and healthy !!  

As always I would love to read your comments below 


The IT Crowd Season 3 Episode 1 From Hell.mp4


Michael Harrop

You have more episodes than you think. 12 normal episodes takes you to the end of series 4. Then there is an hour long final episode they released several years after the show originally ended.

Manly Stump

I think the last episode of this season is a bit weaker but on the whole you've got some awesome episodes to come! The Work Outing (the gay musical called Gay) is always going to be tough to beat though!


i think they cut a bit out of the episode, when denolm finds the gun he says "i wonder if its loaded?" then puts it in his mouth and pulls the trigger 6 times and the gun is empty

Bob K

"Them glasses is shit, isn't it" made me cry I laughed so hard. Moss kills me. Season three is great and I just did a quick look ahead and can't wait until next tuesday, Are We not Men is one of those episodes like the Work Outing that people world wide know. I was on a transit bus in Tulum Mexico and heard a guy quote "That's the thing about Arsenal."


be aware that season 4 is only 1 episode