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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zit4t2_tb9e0xPXWBijcii1UHSbkmP3j/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-http://www.mediafire.com/file/w129x53psvatgw8/W.W.D.I.T_Shadows_Season_5_Episode_4_The_Campaign_C.mp4

Dailymotion Temporary Link-https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8wegu6

Daily Motion Password: 95

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That's Robert Smigel, aka Triumph The Insult Comic Dog, playing "Alexander the Jew". A very funny guy - he did some great skits for Hulu in the run up to the US election in 2016, like pretending to be Trump reaching out to African American voters on his campaign trail, and doing so by turning up in their neighbourhoods in a tank and yelling his Trump impression(or whoever it was doing the voice) through a loudspeaker from inside. He should be better known IMO. So should Conan O'Brien - we really missed out on some great comedy in the nineties and noughties because Conan's shows were never aired on UK TV.


For me, this is the best episode of the show in a while. The scene with the council of energy vampires is deadpan brilliance. And the actress who plays Evie is so funny - listening to people eating up her ridiculous lies with a spoon never gets old. I love that she doesn't even bother making them even vaguely consistent with reality; it's like she's so good at what she does that she can stand up in front of you and tell you she's lost the use of her legs and you just go 'aw, that's awful', and start a Gofundme for her. Great episode.