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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/12RmePmN2FPg4iWCgsWIK3mRQp2XkjRC5/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-http://www.mediafire.com/file/1mrev75zn9cd1ja/The_Thin_Blue_Line_Season_2_Episode_1_Court_in_the_Act.mp4

Dailymotion Temporary Link-https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8w5lag

Daily Motion Password: 95

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Just to explain the joke about William the Conqueror - his population he led were called 'The Normans' XD


This is a blast from an era before the polarisation of today - this would get ripped to pieces for 'wokism' if it came out now. Strange to think that it's thirty years later and yet the progressivism in this episode wouldn't be acceptable today. I don't remember anyone causing a fuss about the well-meaning left-wing preachiness at the time but they sure as shit would nowadays.


I think people have always been just as fucked as they are now but back then everyone wasn't bitching online about stuff. People didn't hear everyone's opinion daily. For the most part. Other than the people around you. Now a lot people's personality comes from the internet because every stupid opinion is online and they are essentially raised by idiots posting comments. And the parents that should be raising those kids are also glued to a phone.