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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jUy7CsCnagrOXdt-ji3NfvdI37IC3fYs/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-http://www.mediafire.com/file/ictsuxj3rof4w4a/Taskmaster_Season_13_Episode_10_The_House_Queens.mp4

Dailymotion Temporary Link-https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8vx4ns

Daily Motion Password: 95

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Ian Richards

This series was broadcast in spring 2022, so you're definitely catching up quickly, but there's still three more series, a fourth starting on TV next week, and time for them to make a fifth later this year before you get up to date, so I guess it'll be this time next year when that happens. I said it before at the end of Series 12, but Taskmaster was on top form right through 2022; I remembered this series being funny, but I'd actually forgotten a lot of the best moments. Ardal is second only to Bob Mortimer in the brilliant randomness he brought to the table, from bursting into his Swedish song to Fred the Swede, to rapping about aubergines and Mr T; the rest of the cast also built a fantastic comedy dynamic in the studio, and it was great to see them forming a circle in the last shot of the end credits and joining in with Bridget's silly dance. Series 14 continues with the strong dynamic between the cast; I feel like you'll recognise Dara O'Briain and Sarah Millican, if only from other panel shows, and I'm already looking forward to watching John Kearns slowly drive Dara into a murderous rage again. Can't wait!


Ardal is fantastic, I had no idea what his personality was like as I'd only ever seen him as Dougal. I loved how random and mental he was. Bridget was great too, actually I liked all of them 😄 can't wait to see the next series.


Really fun episode and reaction thanks Josh! Another bunch of likeable weirdos. Looking forward to the next series 😃