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Freeroam interactions are added in episode 2 up to the evening section.

This update is mostly showcasing gameplay mechanics, but also contains story expansion and lewd scene in Episode 3 (Mc x Sara).

The update will be available for download on October 22 (Raw version without proofread). After proofreading, the update will be published on f95zone and itch.

Offtop: Savefiles Compatibility

The game doesn't have save files compatibility and you need to start a new game with every update due to technical issues that I don't think make sense to explain much. This is not my personal preference to force players to replay the whole thing. If using "shortcuts" menu is not a valid option for you, I can't suggest much at this point, rather than playing versions with zero on the end of it's version number (0.3.0 - 0.4.0 - 0.5.0 and so on). I don't feel like turning the game into a visual novel and I want to implement more gameplay into it, and because of this I had to sacrifice the ability to use old save files. When the game will have save files compatibility I'll point it out. So please be patient about it :)




Only a couple more weeks :D


can't wait!