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It's taken some time but a lot of the large parts are printed and I'm happy to say the M41A pulse rifle is complete. Attached  below are the STL's. I have now started on the accompanying drawings to help with everyone's build. Here a quick view below. For the Tinkerer tier supporters, the CAD models are in the Dropbox folder. As for the Builders tier here is the dropbox link again - 


Any of you that follow me on social media you would have seen I've almost finished modelling the Apex Legends Hemlock.  I am currently printing out the parts now so that shouldn't be too long till that's finished.

Once the Hemlock is finished I will start to look at the Constantine Holy shotgun. As that is quite a detailed model juse because of the scrollwork I will also be looking to focus on the T60 helmet.



John D

is there any instructions for this?


I'll send you a link to the files folder where it has the STL's and instructions.

Erling del Castillo

Hi Lilykill, where do I find the "Tinkerer tier supporters" cad files for the M41A? I cannot find them.