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EDIT: The questions have been picked! Thank for lending me your curiosity!

Ask some questions here and I'll try to answer them. Anything except sequel questions please and thank you!

(unrelated Eri-chan sketch included)

The previous Q and A vid was 2 years ago damn I'm old :O




Any plans on major projects like the cursed prince or are you just going back to your old formula of shorter animations?


What's your process for creating original characters? further to this, what's your process for creating original content? e.g Fandeltales' universe. Do you keep it to the basics, or is there a bunch of lore and mystery that we never get to see?


How is your mental health? It is important to understand your own feelings, and I hope you are enjoying the work you do! Follow up question: if you weren’t making awesome art, what would you do instead?


Can’t wait to see your next QA video. It’s gonna be great the little Derpi chibi the funny humor, the weird voice AI

huy nguyen

Will there be a sequel to the cursed prince?