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Some designs for this big animation thing :3

Right now i'm working on the storyboard so that things will be more organized before I move on to working on the actual animations again :3



Nova Nerd

I'm very excited for this entire thing

Jason Bill

Wow, this has turned into quite a big project. So are all three getting scenes then? Saw you doing the storyboards. If I'm interpretting it correctly, mimic girl is gonna get separated from the group. Would be awesome to see each of the 3 get lost (and fucked) 1 by 1. Edit: Nevermind, with you streaming again and more of the storyboarding done it's very clear they're all getting some love. I'm super excited for this. Looking great so far.




Ben has seen all.

Frosty Kae (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-29 21:49:16 Im losing my mind imagining this mage in hot underwear.. very good! <3
2017-06-28 18:38:55 Im losing my mind imagining this mage in hot underwear.. very good! <3

Im losing my mind imagining this mage in hot underwear.. very good! <3

Toris Frendon

Dude your art style is amazing