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Didn't think you'd see this one again, as I posted the quick sketch before & it was a simple doodle. BUT I got hint of a digital technic involving to melt the sketchy vibe to get some kind of shadows. So I decided to experiment & here's a first try.

It's crazy to imagine the messy quick lines were transformed into this sketchy color rendering, plus making the lines disappear, which never happens in my art! I only added light over the basic color & voilà !

The funny thing is that I DID KNOW this Technic of melting the graphite on the paper from long years ago, when experimenting with traditional artwork. But, as I never enjoyed to get my fingers dirty (haha!!), I didn't go far with that. 

Unbelievable to me I can do it again, in a so clean & funny way!



That Long-Haired Creepy Guy

It's so cool what programs today can do that once took hours--or were very messy--to accomplish. *thumbs up*