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Hello, everyone. I hope you are all staying healthy and safe no matter where you are located in the world.

After last month’s major announcement of a new game, I am going back to the traditional format of giving updates on each of my games in development. If you have any questions you would like addressed in future newsletters, feel free to send me a message through social media or through Patreon messaging.

Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven, Part 3

Development of Part 3 is up to 240,000 words with my next milestone coming Monday which should push the game to 265,000 words. I am currently working on the scene where the MC is taken to a regional history museum in Colorado and must interact with survivors living at the museum. This will take up most of chapter 10 and will introduce pivotal groups in this part of the game.

A number of people have asked about the likelihood of Part 3 being published this year. I can share with you my milestones and also share a bit about the publishing process with Choice of Games.

  • June - Start of Safe Haven Lancelot.   Though this content will have a large portion for those playing the soldier   mission, all MCs will be able to explore this depot.
  • July - Science and hacker missions. Working on more RO romantic   scenes.
  • August - Scenes interacting with the River Dogs, Thelma’s gang, and   the Silverthorne Militia.
  • September - Finishing RO scenes. Adding new skill leveling. Crafting   updates.
  • October - Finishing development of Part 3 (anything leftover).
  • November - Editing and adding additional content if time permits.

Once Part 3 is finished, I will send it to Choice of Games for copyediting and processing to add it to the live apps and Steam version. It’s hard to know what happens once CoG gets Part 3. Their work can take one month or three. I have been told their queue for game release is long and backed up, especially for Hosted Games. They have recently hired a part-time production assistant but that replaced a full-time production assistant. I am going to give them notice of my game’s completion far in advance, so they can account for it in the queue. I just want to set expectations that once I finish, things are a bit out of my control.

For those of you taking part in beta tests, I will start work on Part 4 in December, so there will be no breaks in receiving new beta content.

Zombie Exodus: Dead Zone 

Dead Zone is in development by Ethan Underhill, and my last report is that he has completed 50,000 words in chapter 1. He is dedicating his time to write the story. Once it is complete, I will begin coding it and collaborating with him on bringing his vision to life. There is a good chance we will post sections for beta testing through Patreon, but these details have not yet been worked out.

Since Dead Zone is set five years after the outbreak, you will be able to see how life has changed for survivors in the zombie apocalypse. If you would like more information, feel free to visit Ethan’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/EthanDavidUnderhill/.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Out for Blood

VtM Out for Blood is in steady development. To recap, here is a summary of the game:

You’ve barely settled into your new home of Jericho Heights on the outskirts of Chicago, before discovering that vampires live in town. You’re struggling to start a new life, meet new people, and maybe even find love. But when your neighbors start disappearing, you’re forced to take action.

Take on the role of a vampire hunter to save your town from the influence of Chastain, a vampire more than a century old. When a group of young thin-blood vampires start a war with Chastain, will you choose sides, or hunt them all?

Currently I am finishing up chapter 8 of a story that will go on until chapter 12 or 13. The game will be finished this year and will go into several rounds of editing and play testing in the first few months of 2021.

One thing that may be of interest to you is my plans for 2021. Once VtM Out for Blood is released, I am not accepting any new projects. My writing and development will focus solely on Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven and Dead Zone. At least that’s my plans for now. If anything changes, I will let you all know. Nothing else is on the horizon, no secret projects, and no ideas being pitched to anyone else.

Until next time, stay safe and thank you for all of your support!  


Ethan David Underhill

I'd just like to add just to clear up any confusion, Dead zone Chapter 1 is 50k words so far, but taken together with the prologue, the game is nearing 100k.