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My buddy Moss Von Faustenberg and I were watching the weather back in October, and seeing the storms hitting the Mojave desert (not super common in that time of year) and wanted to check it out.  He had been contacted by a model, Hayley, that was traveling and currently in town and wanted to shoot with him.  Graciously he invited me to come along, invited another model/shooter friend of ours, Megan and we all headed out to chase the clouds and drive through deep puddles on flooded desert roads.  We ended up deep in the Mojave and went to work both in the desert and in an abandoned motel we found.  Both locales really suited the cool intensity the Hayley exudes with ease, and the location featured heavily in this set of images in particular, with the normally arid desert flooded and reflecting the environment really had us all snapping furiously as it looked too amazing to be real.



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