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"Wretched Sun" lore (c)

Pazru - are unpleasant spirits that dwell in coal mines and coal deposits, which are called "blood-coal".

Pazru tend to hide and hunt those who are careless enough to come closer - to

catch their pray for sure Pazru tend to sing, imitating sounds around

them in a pleasant manner.

Poor one who got caught is dragged away closer to coal mines - and then sucked dry in minutes.

Blood of such unlucky one soaks deep into coal rocks, riving them a bit

crimson tone with time - such coal bleeds if broken and not good for

common use, due to it gives a foul stench of rotten blood when burned.

Though, Pazru can't go far from it's "home" rocks - you can judge about "safe radius" by the length of Pazru's hair.

Known way of fighting a Pazru - is badly breaking that blood-coal deposit

that spirit lives in. After certain damage done to that deposit, Pazru

will deform - and perish into nowhere, leaving the area safe from now




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