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On this episode of The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy, Matt talks all-things Tony Khan! As Tony celebrates his 41st birthday, Matt discusses what led to Tony becoming one of the most powerful men in wrestling, while weighing in on the NXT vs. AEW Tuesday Night War!




You have to wonder if Tony Khan would be as nice as he is if Vince McMahon weren't such an a-hole business wise? It's almost like two parents. Typically the dad is the strict one and the mom is the sweet and kind one. If either ever thinks the other is turnings up too much, then they're prone to turning things up themselves as a way of compensating for it.


I think the two couldn't be further apart and that's why it's so easy to give Tony shit sometimes - it's easy to call Tony soft compared to Vince, EVERYBODY'S soft compared to Vince lol


Great episode. Really interesting listen