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On this episode of Strictly Business, Eric and Jon take a deep dive into the Tuesday Night Wars from, as NXT and AEW went head-to-head!



Is there an issue with the files being downloaded? With this and Grilling JR it will perform the download but it will not play. Not hot or anything, just wondering if there is an issue.


Hi William, Haven’t heard of issues from other members. Perhaps try closing out of your app to see if that fixes?


Wanted to give this one an objective take lol. But Eric’s TDS (Tony Derangement Syndrome) came in before my air pods had even settled in.


Hope you'll give it a shot Jared. I always try my best to be fair and keep a conversation with quality back and forth.


Eric you are completely right.


Loving this episode. I too felt NXT (which yes I watch weekly) was an All Star Game type show. Curious when the talk of lead ins was discussed the lead in for Dynamite was the “Buy In” featuring Eddie Kingston defending the belts. Would that be a stronger lead in to keep the audience vs SUV or Chicago whatever (sorry I forget what the show was)?


I ain’t no language and behavior analyst. But if I was, I would say that it is beyond evident that the dynamic between these two hosts is that *Eric hates his fucking guts*


You'd be incorrect. Nothing wrong with spirited discussion.


Eric isn’t even watching Dynamite regularly (that’s clear) and yet he continues to complain about the lack of stories. Tough to know the stories when you’re not regularly watching the show. I love Eric’s nostalgia and context/experience relative to the business behind the scenes, but him discussing the current products is exhausting when he clearly has an anti-AEW agenda. That’s totally his right btw! Just don’t say you’re being “objective” on “facts” when you’re clearly not.