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On this episode of Something To Wrestle, Bruce and Conrad are discussing "The Animal" Batista! Bruce shares stories of how Batista landed on the WWE radar after being passed over by WCW, the creation of Leviathan and the guidance he received by Jim Cornette, and his arrival on the main roster as the Deacon. Plus, his evolution into a major WWE Superstar and World Champion for the company. There is so much meat on this bone, the guys couldn't fit it all in one episode. So buckle up for a wild ride through the beginnings of the legendary career of Dave Batista.

On The Insiders, Conrad sits down with former WWE artist, Tom Fleming, who created some of the more iconic artwork and gear of the 90s, including Survivor Series posters, Undertaker's first t-shirt, and costumes for Papa Shango, Tatanka, Razor Ramon and more!




did he answer THE question?


Good episode fellas


he actually gave an answer to the question for once lol ngl the long pauses alway crack me up


Batista did good!