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On this episode of Foley is Pod, Mick is BACK and ready to answer all of your questions about his adventurous career and life as The Hardcore Legend!

On The Insiders, Conrad sits down with former WWE artist, Tom Fleming, who created some of the more iconic artwork and gear of the 90s, including Survivor Series posters, Undertaker's first t-shirt, and costumes for Papa Shango, Tatanka, Razor Ramon and more!




This podcast went downhill quick. It's unbearable listening to Mick talk and shove his mouth with food.


I turned it off. So annoying to listen to Mick eating the whole time.


Did I hear correctly that Foley is Pod is returning again next week?


can we make it a rule for all podcasts to not have people eat while actually doing the show. not only does it make the show unwatchable/unlistenable but it's also amazingly unprofessional.


I mean it’s annoying but after listening to the show, tbh I expected the audio & eating bs to be worse than it was from the comments here 🤷‍♂️


Agreed. yea, could i do without it, sure. does it ruin the show for me? nope


I'm from the Boston area and I had to think if Mick ever worked a territory that would've run the old Garden. Without Googling, I think his WWE career started right around the time of the new Garden. ECW sure as hell wasn't and WCW stayed down south for the most part. There were a couple trips t the area in smaller venues. The merch numbers keep coming up when Nitro did it's first show in Boston. That's why they were so crazy. It was our first opportunity to actually buy that merch. I saw wrestling at the old Garden twice. Both times we were on folding chairs placed on plywood covering the ice the Bruins play on. So cool being "inside the boards" even thouth I'm not a hockey fan. There's a very decent chance the second time was the last time the Bushwackers wrestled for WWE. They may have had one other match after that. I gotta switch my emails out. I don't get notifications from Patreon and I think that may be the reason why or at least the only solution. Mick seems to love and put a lot of effort into his cameos. I would've loved to ask what the cameo he's the most proud of is? I also want to know if he ever thought of doing a lost in cleveland remake where he looks for Yurple the clown called "lost in the bigtop" Something else I think I'd want to clarify on is a story I heard in one of his books. He said that Johnny Ace took a clothesline from Dr. Death Steve Williams in Japan that legit hurt his throat and that was when they started calling him Johnny Laryngitis. I'd never heard this before and JR hasn't said anything about it. Because it was worded in a way that was joking it has me wondering if the story is true or just that joke. I'm about 90% in the true category. There is definitely something to be said about altering the frequency of certain podcasts. Mike Chioda wants to do the mailbag every week. I think that's hotshoting the territory and would actually do more harm than good. Certain shows are definitely better coming out less often. Maybe every other week should be looked at more? Obviously go on a case-by-case basis.


Ric flair 2.0 with the eating and burping. This used to be one of my favorite podcast of Conrads, then it switched to monthly, now eating and burping during the once a month.


I think he's doing it on purpose. It's the only way you can get heat in 2023 without somebody trying to get you cancelled.


Does Mick eat during his one-man shows, too? Asking for a friend


Eating and burping only to then admit how rude it is on air and continue doing it is so disrespectful to those of us that pay for this stuff. Mick, if you would rather go have lunch then do it. Don't half ass this show. You're making it unlistenable.