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Note: Main topic starts at 10:54 mark. Enjoy!

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On this episode of Grilling JR, JR and Conrad discuss Jim's retirement from the WWE in 2013. JR shares his experiences in NXT, stepping in on RAW after Jerry Lawler's heart attack, and the infamous WWE2K press conference that ultimately led to his unplanned release/retirement from the company. JR also opens up about what his ideal retirement would look like if he had his way.

On The Insiders, Conrad sits down with former WWE artist and costume designer, Tom Fleming, who created some of the more iconic artwork and gear of the 90s, including Papa Shango, Tatanka, Adam Bomb, Razor Ramon and even...Bastion Booger!




Good episode. Would we call this, “The Symposium From Hell”?


No matter the topic some topics I like better than others but with that being said grilling Jr is easily my favorite wrestling podcast I love it


The irony of this wks topic coinciding w/Flair on the Kill Tony show


Flair never apologized and got mad when Jr admitted that flair acted like an idiot on the plane ride to hell