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Leave your questions for Kevin Sullivan below for the next Taskmaster episode!

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On this episode of  Tuesday with The Taskmaster, Kevin Sullivan answers your questions on topics including WWE releases, booking The Rock's return, Wrestlers on Netflix, focus on tag team wrestling, David Von Erich and more!




No question, just wanted to say this is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows on the platform! Keep up the good work!!


Everyone talks about their favorite era in wrestling. I grew up in the attitude era so obviously that's mine. What's your favorite as a wrestler and a fan?


I grew up during the attitude era as well so that's also my favorite era but man that ruthless agression era was so entertaining it was just as great as the attitude era was we were definitely spoiled


Could Kevin talk about timing out a show and the difference between expectations from a 5 min match and a 20 minute match in terms of crowd reaction expectation.


On the September 22nd, 1997 episode of Nitro, Raven confronted Randy Savage, but a match never happened between them. How come? Also, was a feud with The Flock against the nWo discussed? Thanks in advance.


What did Kevin think of the Goldust character and did he discuss it with Dusty Rhodes?


Sheesh!!! Paul, please read some books! 🤦🏿‍♂️😂


Kevin were you ever contacted by TNA at any point about coming in to do something and if so what would you have done


Who was the one person that influenced you the most as far as wanting to get into the wrestling business


How would Mr. Sullivan write Punk into the WWE again? Against Seth? Cody? Roman? Someone else?


Having been in so many territories and faced so many people. Who is someone Kevin wishes he could of teamed with and who is someone Kevin wishes he could of faced during the territory days?


Can Kevin tell us about his interactions and thoughts on Lou Thesz’s career and as a person? I recently finished his book, ‘Hooker’ and he had a fascinating life.


Also, I spoke with Jerry Jarrett before he passed and he told me that Ed’Strangler’ Lewis was one of his heroes as a kid and he got to see him once when Lewis was managing Lou Thesz. Did Kevin ever meet Strangler Lewis, or heard any good stories about him?