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Leave your questions for Mike below for a future Mailbag episode!

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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss CM Punk's future, best long-term storytelling, Tom Brady, heel refs, and much more!




Yo! Pauly B and Mike C! Yall are cooler than Vanilla Ice and Ice T! The best duo to ever podcast. Yall keep rockin 1. Mike, are you given instructions at gorilla before you make your way to the ring, or any last minute briefings with the talent you're about to ref? 2. Any times when you've had a superstar get off script and you'd have to get them back ok track in a match? Either they were going into business for themselves or maybe they were knocked senseless and had to be reminded what to do next? 3. Who's a surprise team in the NFL right now to yall, either cause they're playing poorly or amazing and yall weren't expecting it. 4. I hate the Steelers Love yall bros! Yall my usos for life


Hi Dad, sorry for busting your balls about Bruce. I must have been still hurting from when you left home! My question this time is, did you do any acting classes early on to help you with selling, not breaking character, facial expressions etc? or was it something that came pretty natural to you?


Sorry unrelated to this post but recently upgraded my tier. Was double checking on the sting auto photo. Thank you !


Have either Mike or Pauly seen the video of the brawl out with the Houston Texans fans after their loss to the Indianapolis Colts a few weeks ago? What's the football world coming to when fans literally fight each other? https://www.fox26houston.com/news/video-houston-texans-fans-fight-each-other-following-week-2-loss-to-indianapolis-colts So it's been a good while since I last asked this, but Mike... how's that book coming along? 😉


Hey guys, Mike was there ever a time wrestlers were telling you about their match and in your head you were like man this is terrible? Would you tell them or just let it fly and hope for the best? Also, you might want to close the door before answering this one. Have either of you guys ever tried seeing if you still got it out on the town?


Kaleb and I were at Smackdown for the return of the The Rock. The place went absolutely crazy. Hell of a moment. What entrance/return do you remember that blew the roof off the building? One that was an absolute dud that was thought to be huge? Thank you Mike and Paul!!


Since I may not get a chance to tell you happy anniversary before the next Mailbag, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO SID BREAM, FRANCISCO CABRERA, AND MIKE CHIODA!!! On Oct 14th, 1992, the single most famous play in Pirates history happened when Sid “no knees” Bream scored from second on a base hit from Francisco Cabrera. It’s the most famous play in Pirates history because, well, they ain’t got shit else going for them. Also, this appears to be the point where Barry Bonds decided he needed a little “help” to throw the ball faster. I actually don’t know that to be true about Barry because I just made it up, but it could be. In terms of difficulty, is a high-flying and fast-paced cruiserweight match preferable to a triple threat with the steadier guys or vice versa? If WWE were to have a Tough Enough competition for referees, who would you put in as the coaches? And are there some refs you’ve ran into on the Indy scene that you’d put in the Tough Enough ref competition? And maybe do you have some ideas for challenges in the competition? Maybe see who can talk to the cops the most sober with weed in the car? Lol jk love you guys.


Hey Paul and Mike, Mike, After tonight’s AEW Grand Slam- I was curious how you think you would’ve handled the Moxley, Rey Fenix match, and the Rick Knox Ref spot, where he didn’t count to three after Mox was rattled and didn’t kick out, or lift a shoulder? Leading to MOX getting dropped on his head a second time. Clearly this wasn’t the finish and they had to call it on the fly, so I get how it would be tough for the ref to not count to three. But it also makes him look bad too. I’d hate to be put in that spot.. Thank ya sir’s


When Brock Lesnar superplexed the Big Show and it broke the ring, did they let you know it was coming, did you know cause you worked ring crew or was it a surprise so they could get your natural reaction?


Hey guys! Hopefully by the time you read this I’m not eliminated from the survivor pool. I already have two strikes as I’m writing this. If I am eliminated - everyone enjoy my donation and I’ll go quietly accept my status as a football moron. Anyway for my question this week, I’m curious if Mike ever got used to the pyro going off, particularly if he was in the ring for say Kane or back in the day Lesnar’s in ring pyro? No matter how many shows I go to it always seems to make me jump like a little bitch when they go off. Thanks as always and Go Cowboys!


Favorite Wrestlemania match you officiated? Much love mike!


I'm back, and I'm better than ever. Since there was a return of the great one, and I'm talking about myself returning to this mailbag, and also some guy named Dwayne returning, it got me wondering. Has Mike ever had a part in bringing someone back for a special return. Has he been used as the middle man, or talked to Vince about anyone specifically coming back? Thanks for all you guys provide to me and many others. Keep crushing it! You'll be hearing from me soon again


What was your favorite wrestlemania that you worked at and why


Hope you guys are doing well, love the new Chioda shirt at Pro Wrestling Tees. Will put in an order this week. NJPW title, ROH Tv title, AEW International title, ROH Tag titles.... Can anyone possibly keep up with the 45 different belts on AEW television. Do you guys think that this is watering down the idea of a championship? Only slightly different note, FMK with the theme being ladies in their near 60s. I'll go first F- Lori Loughlin (Aunt Becky from Full House, google her still so hot), M - Shania Twain. K - Marisa Tomei.


Hey Mike, I was indulging in some chocolate cake the other night and was watching a match you were reffing. You took a bump on the outside by the barricade and it got me thinking. What kinds of things would people say to you while you were selling to get you to break? Also, can you think of anything that got you? Thanks and go birds!


Mike and Paul! Thanks as always for the great content! Always a must listen for me. 1. Ok Mike, not trying to dump on anyone in particular, but given recent events, as an experienced outsider, what would you say AEW can do to help their refs avoid their common mistakes? Is it just a matter of more training? Video reviews? 2. Mike, my buddy and I are planning to complete the trifecta and attend the Royal Rumble in January (we went to Mania in April in LA and SummerSlam in Detroit in August). So tell me Mike, is Tropicana Field really as shitty as everyone says? 😂 Thanks Guys (I’m still strike-less in the Survivor Pool when I posted this - Go Bills!)