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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss Mike's top PPVs, what he doesn't miss being on the road, ECW matches, favorite Quentin Tarantino movie and much more!




Tell us about teeth stuck in Randy Orrin’s head…


Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the dog days of summer. Paul and I are preparing to freeze our nuts off in the fall/ winter while Coyote is tanning his balls on the beaches of Tampa. Life isn't fair. So my last F M K was a bit too risqué to answer with the divas. Hoping Pauly and Mike can answer the next best thing to the divas options. Wrestlemania hosts . The options are Pam Anderson, Kim Kardashian, Maria Menounos.. and Mike can't tag in his buddy Snitsky on this one, I imagine these ladies aren't into water sports. I go F - Kim K, M - Maria, K - Pam Anderson. I really hope this is behind a pay wall or my job as a primary school teacher is on the line. Thanks as always fellas