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On this episode of Monday Mailbag, Mike and Paul discuss locker rooms, wrong turns, Tom Brady, entrance themes and much more!




Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying the start of summer. First of all, I must apologize about my F,M, K Question last week.. How could we all be so cruel to the beautiful Stacy Keibler :0 On a different note, how did you guys feel about the big Curt Hennig face turn in 92? Also, any thoughts on Mankind having a different entrance and departing music in 96? Thanks as always, Britt Baker >>>>>> Trish, the Canadian and teenager in me can't believe I am saying this


What's up Mike and Pauly B? You guys were talking about a John "earthquake" Tenta match turning into a shoot over in Japan. That was vs Koji Kitao. It's in here. You'll have to fast forward a bit to the match that didn't happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep8BHsZKhFc Here's Bruce "the artful dodger" Prichard talking about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54t2p9UZWvk And here's Jim "I turned the volume up on my real personality several notches too many" Cornette talking about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvzRGAkZ9Iw It took place in or around April of 91.