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As we continue to look back at TNA in 2012 after our watch along with Frankie Kazarian, I figured we’d keep it going with what was going on!

You have this great tag match - and from there you’re going to go right into the Bound for Glory series. What did you think of this format?

Was it too long a tournament to keep people’s attention considering Bound for Glory is in October?

Were you confused by the point system because I know I was…and was it hard to keep track of?

The Impact after Destination X has an 11 man rumble of all the participants in the series. It’s you, AJ, Jeff Hardy, Magnus (now Nick Aldis), Bully Ray, Rob Van Dam, Pope, James Storm, Robbie E, Christopher Daniels & Samoa Joe.

Do you like working battle royals?

Did you like the Rumble format?

At some point during the match styles went for an enzugiri on Daniels who moved and AJ hit you. You guys are tag team champions for 4 days - why was there already thoughts on breaking you two up?

This would lead to Daniels throwing out Styles and then you. Were you surprised they didn’t do more with Christopher Daniels in IMPACT?

Were you excited to be tag champions with AJ?

James Storm got the win and had a big beer celebration afterwards and came across like a big star. Another guy I think IMPACT had that didn’t do enough with - wouldn’t you agree?

From the Observer

Backstage, Angle yelled at Styles for kicking him in the head and losing his focus. He said that Styles needs to get Daniels out of his head or they’ll lose the tag titles. Styles promised to get focused.

AJ & Christopher Daniels had been a rivalry before you even got into TNA…how good were their matches together?

The next week on Impact:

“Robbie E came out. He said that he was the most jacked and had the best tan in the dressing room. He challenged anyone to come out from the back. Kurt Angle came out and hit three German suplexes, and Olympic slam and got the ankle lock for the submission in :32. It was noted Angle got ten points for his win.”

I mean this is like a night off for you wasn’t it?

Any thoughts on Robbie E? He was in IMPACT a long time and is now a manager named Mr. Robert Stone in NXT…

The next week on Impact:

“Daniels & Kazarian beat Angle & Styles to regain the tag titles in 11:46. The storyline was Kazarian and Daniels not getting along and Kazarian not wanting to be there. Styles botched a huracanrana off the apron. Angle did a series where he did three German suplexes in a row on Daniels, and then did another three to Kazarian. Kazarian tried the Omori driver. Angle reversed into the ankle lock. Ref Brian Hebner got bumped. Daniels clotheslined Angel over the top. Then came one of those finishes that I hate, because it’s the booker “I want to fool the fans on a finish so I make it make no sense.” Aside from the fact this was so predictable to begin with, then what’s wrong with it making sense. Daniels had a chair and Kazarian took it from him. Styles hit the Pele kick on Daniels. Kazarian flipped off Daniels and told Styles to pin him. Then, Kazarian hit Styles with a chair and Daniels pinned him.”

Do you think there was more to do with you guys as tag team champions?

Were you upset to drop the titles so quickly?

Were there too many ref bumps? Wouldn’t it had been easier with just a straight finish?

Was this too swervy?

You’re in the news from an interview you did with Mike Mooneyham at the time. You discuss Vince and how you haven’t talked to him since you left in 2006. But a lot of what you discuss is the Olympics…

“Regarding the Olympics, he said, “As far as competing (in the trials), I would have done very well. The training, the getting there, that was the hard part. I overdid it. I blew out my hamstring, my shoulder, my Achilles tendon and my knee. It was ongoing. It just wasn’t meant to be. I would have done very well as far as competing. I think I would have been the best opponent for Jake Varner (who will be on the U.S. squad in the 211 pound weight class).”

How close do you think you were to being Olympic ready?

“When asked about the 2016 games, he responded, “Are you nuts? Are you out of your mind. I’ll be 47. No way. I learn from my mistakes.” Well, hopefully that’s settled.

In 2002, when he toyed with the idea of trying for 2004, he talked about taking a hiatus from wrestling for more than a year to get ready, but ultimately didn’t do it.”

How close were you in 02 to 04 in doing it? Was it your body and injuries? Or was it too much money with the WWE at the time?

“A funny line he said, only because it talks about perception, is how TNA is now banking on younger stars to carry the company. The names he mentioned were Christopher Daniels (who is 41), Kazarian (who turns 35 in a few weeks) and Bobby Roode (35).”

Do you think the perception is because TNA is still at this point the newer brand…that it’s not about age - but about how long you’ve been on TV?

The names you mentioned have never been presented in a really big way in AEW or WWE…why do you think that is?

Were you expecting to have the pay-per-view off since you don’t really have a story once you drop the titles?

All of a sudden it’s announced that your second match in the Bound for Glory Series will take place at Destination X and you’ll be taking on your old rival Samoa Joe. Were you surprised this was this soon in the series? Should this had been held off longer?

Destination X - July 8, 2012:

“Samoa Joe beat Kurt Angle in 14:26 with a choke. The most interesting part of this is that when the tournament started, they pushed the idea of the time limit being 10:00 and had time limit draws this year and last. Then they moved it to 15:00, probably because if these two had to do a PPV match in less than 10:00, both they and the fans would feel unsatisfied. But even though they did a finish with 34 seconds left, at no point was the time limit broached in the announcement, commentary, or anything.”

Did TNA have the announcers discuss the story you had laid out with you or was that not something TNA did often?

“They had a dramatic addition to the story, and worked a match that both would establish the time limit and the finish, and they didn’t touch it. Joe had in the past gotten mad about time calls in matches. Because they are never, Joe’s feelings has been that doing them signals that the match is going to the time limit. But since it’s a specific part of the rules, doing at least a ten minute warning or a 12 minute warning to acknowledge the time limit adds to the match. It both gets over when you do a finish stronger, plus you don’t have this bell ring out of nowhere and everyone confused finish when you are doing the draw. It wasn’t the best Joe vs. Angle match, but it was still very good.”

Did you want time calls or not time calls?

“6. Samoa Joe beat Kurt Angle in 14:36 in the Bound for Glory series, winning via choke, which as a submission, meant a ten point win. Mike Tenay said Joe vs. Angle was the best rivalry in TNA history. Crowd started the dueling chants right away. Angle took a high backdrop and went over the top rope to the floor. He looks so out of control when he takes that move it’s scary. Joe followed with an elbow suicida. Angle actually did a missile dropkick to Joe’s back. Angle opened a small cut on his own forehead with a head-butt. Angle went to the top for a belly-to-belly superplex, but Joe boxed his ears. Joe then came off the top rope with a leg lariat for a near fall. Joe followed with a reverse atomic drop, a high kick, a senton and a powerslam before going for an armbar. Angle reversed it into an ankle lock and Joe escaped. Angle hit three German suplexes. Angle went for the Olympic slam but Joe arm dragged out and did a running kick to the head. Joe went for the muscle buster but Angle slipped out and put on the ankle lock. Fans were chanting “tap, tap tap.”

Joe escaped and as Angle charged, Joe delivered a uranage and a muscle buster. He went

for the choke but Angle reversed him into the ankle lock. Angle pulled Joe to the center but Joe used the trunks to break the hold and got behind Angle and put on the choke with a body scissors. Angle was using elbows to the thigh, but couldn’t get Joe off. Finally Angle got to his feet, hit the Olympic slam and got a near fall. Angle tried the ankle lock again, but Joe kicked him off. Angle went for the Olympic slam again, but Joe got behind him and got the choke. This time Joe choked Angle all the way out and ref Earl Hebner stopped the match. After Angle got up to protest, saying that he had never tapped. They played it up that Angle had passed out and not that Hebner screwed him on the call. ***¾”

Were you happy with this match?

Like Tenay said - do you consider you & Joe the best rivalry in TNA history?

Is it weird to have this match be kind of in the middle of the card?

This would be the last time you’d face Joe one-on-one on pay-per-view for TNA. Is that surprising to hear?

After this match AJ & Daniels would face off in a Last Man Standing match which AJ would win, an Ultimate X match, and then Austin Aries defeated Bobby Roode to become the new TNA Champion. Were you surprised they put the belt on Aries?

This would end Roode’s 256 day reign - one of the longest in TNA’s history - was Aries the guy to defeat him you think?

What did you think of Austin?


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