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Mick and Conrad are pushing their recording date back a few days to Monday, June 26, just 2 days ahead of the historic 25th anniversary of Mankind vs. Undertaker Hell in a Cell. 

And we're going to be recording it LIVE in front of a studio audience for the first time in Foley is Pod history! More details to follow soon. 



Please post a time. I CAN rearrange my schedule, but I need to know!


Are we able to attend the recording if we are still in Huntsville on Monday?


Yes I was thinking that as well. I’ll be traveling back that day. Hopefully it’ll work in my favor. But if not…. Ok😀


Don't have a time yet for it, but we'll post the time to the AFS Events Calendar as soon as we know!


If you mean join virtually, yes. If you mean sit with Conrad and Mick in studio, no.


So no new Foley is Pod on Friday?