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Do you like when wrestling was REAL? Did you like the Bill Watts era of WCW? Well, you going to love this one. A show loaded with talent: Steve Austin, Rick Rude, MADUSA!!! Also, Terry Gordy, Dr. Death Steve Williams, Barry Windham, Dustin Rhodes and many, many others. The bulk of the program is a tournament for the World Tag Team Title, but there is also a great match featuring Sting vs. Vader for the title. Conrad and Tony go into the wayback machine and pull out the Great American Bash, WHW style!




Lois comin in covered in dog hair 😂😂😂


Began watching this event tonight on the network and I’m currently on the recruit Steve Austin thank match


Kid you not, I was drinking a Mello Yello for the first times in years while I was listening to this podcast. What does that mean???