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Today on the 4 year anniversary show - we’re going to fire up the Peacock and look back at one of the more memorable Raw is War episodes from 1998.

Its a taped show - Season 6, episode 18!


We left off talking about the launch of the Attitude Era Jim after April 13th when Raw finally ended the Nitro 83 week winning streak.

The next week on April 20th - Nitro draws its second highest rating ever while Raw draws its 4th highest rated Raw - and Nitro gets the win coming off their pay-per-view. We’re looking for small victories but losing in this fashion while still having its 4th highest rated Raw - and there’s more eyes watching professional wrestling since the late 80s - you gotta feel like you’re on the right track right?

At Unforgiven Dude Love would challenge Steve Austin for the WWF Title and come up short when Vince McMahon takes a chair shot from Stone Cold and that’s the end of the match and also Undertaker defeated Kane in an Inferno Match. We’re full on Attitude era at this point - did you ever think you were watching too much?

The Raw before this, live from Norfolk - was as the Observer would call it, “the site of perhaps the latest installation of what is becoming an even more bitter pro wrestling war.” When you hear the idea of DX invading Nitro - what did you think of it?

Did anyone consider that this would absolutely turn DX babyface?

Its amazing to see the role reversal in just such a short time isn’t it?

The Observer had this to say:

Ever since the coincidence (and anyone who has followed this industry for any length of time realizes things like this are never a coincidence) of WCW booking Nitro in Norfolk and WWF booking Raw in Hampton, just 30 miles away, both sides were at war, both in trying to get jump on the all-important first day ticket sales (a battle WWF won by a few days) and in trying to outdraw the other.

Do you think the companies were battling each other and running near each other was on purpose to sabotage the other - and also with the business so hot - do you think it was just hurting them in the pockets at that point?

Nitro is tape delayed because of the NBA…and Raw takes advantage.

“What wasn't expected is that the old Raw record was broken by more than one full point, with a 5.71 rating (5.53 first hour; 5.89 second hour) and 8.20 share in 4,188,000 homes. It was the highest television rating in not only the history of Monday night television but also became the single most watched pro wrestling show in the history of cable television.”

Those ratings calls on Tuesday sure changed quickly didn’t they?

“The next day, one top executive from WWF called another from WCW and basically tried to apologize over the incident claiming it wasn't done to make WCW look bad. Not sure if he also tried to tell him the moon is made of green cheese.”

Who do you think this was - and who called Zane Bresloff do you think?

At that show in Richmond, Steve Williams made his WWF debut in a dark match defeating Too Cold Scorpio. From the Torch:

He is expected to actually sign a WWF contract within a few weeks and be groomed as a challenger to Steve Austin. In terms of workrate, Williams has slowed quite a bit since he was a world class worker four years ago. After just one WWF match, he already has a reputation for forgetting planned spots in the ring.”

What do you remember of this match and the assumption that Steve forgot spots? How excited were you for Dr. Death to be in the WWF?

Also from the Torch

“Vince Russo has been formally promoted from WWF Magazine editor to TV writer and assistant booker to Vince McMahon. He has been quietly building influence in the WWF ever since over a year ago he was invited to a booking meeting and impressed McMahon when he spoke out about some of the mistakes he thought the company was making. With the resurgence in TV ratings and his creative input a major factor, he has become one of McMahon’s most influential assistants. Dennis Brent, former WCW Magazine editor, has been hired to take over many of Russo’s duties…”

So the confirmation of Vince Russo to TV writer & assistant booker is one of those moments that stands out during all the other stuff going on. What did you think of Russo’s ideas and his ascent to his spot?

Was it warranted do you think?

This show goes unopposed with Nitro being off due to the NBA Playoffs. Is it a different atmosphere knowing Nitro isn’t going to be competing against you?

RAW IS WAR — 5/4/98

(Taped April 28th in Richmond, VA.)…

[Q1: 5.5]… Jim Ross and Michael Cole introduced Raw…

Mick Foley came out on the Dude Love set and asked the crowd if they knew what his name is, because he doesn’t anymore. He complained that he didn’t get the rematch last week on Raw, rather than Goldust. He said he wouldn’t suck up to McMahon anymore, he wouldn’t embarrass his family by dressing like Dude Love ever again.

He called out McMahon to give him some answers. McMahon came out and convinced Foley he was doing him a favor by matching him against Terry Funk. McMahon said if he is able to beat Funk and rip his heart out of his chest, he has made the sacrifice that is necessary to be the number one contender and eventually be the WWF Champion. McMahon told Foley he just threw the truth in his face and then he slapped him. Foley was convinced. Austin then came out. McMahon backed down, so Austin destroyed the Dude Love set as Foley looked on. McMahon threw a fit. Austin walked to the ring and yelled at McMahon…

From the Observer

“Interesting crowd reaction to Mick Foley's interview about being embarrassed to do the Dude Love gimmick. When he hit the line about not wanting for his wife and kids to see him dancing with third-rate strippers, the crowd booed him. The promo McMahon did on him in that segment was one of the great promos in recent wrestling history.”

Jim - how good are both Mick & Vince here? The ability Mick has to deliver so many ranges, emotions, etc…when you’re watching this segment are you going - see Vince, this is why you should listen to me for talent because of instead of Mick ripping your heart out, he’s over delivering?

From the Observer

“They edited out the Owen Hart promo where he said his own family had left and deserted him and that the fans had deserted him and the Nation was his new family. That's why they did a second match later in the show, simply to insert the new ring entrance sans interview into the beginning of the existing first match. Instead, Jim Ross explained in commentary that Hart and Rocky Maivia were the co-leaders of The Nation. They are no longer to be called NOD, and the entrance theme has changed where it opens with "We are the nation," but in the part where they say "Nation of Domination," a new musical score was inserted.”

Why the change in adding Owen to the Nation? Did it just not make sense with Owen involved to call it the Nation of Domination?

Why do you think the change in direction of the Owen promo not airing - do you think Owen had an issue after the fact with the talk about his family or just something that Vince decided against?

[Q2: 5.4]… (1) Steve Blackman & Faarooq beat Owen Hart & Rocky Maivia when Owen pinned Blackman at 6:14 after Jeff Jarrett attacked Blackman. Ross said Owen has joined The Nation, and speculated he is mentally unstable. Good match…

The turn of Owen last week and now being in the Nation - does it just go to show how much the ball was dropped with him?

Did Owen need this type of move?

Did you discuss it with him?

From the Torch

Vince McMahon narrated a video feature on Gerry Brisco where he praised Brisco for being a family man. They showed family photos. Brisco then said everything he owns is because of Mr. McMahon and called him the greatest human being he has ever known. Funny stuff…

From the Observer

“They did a great piece on Jerry Brisco, doing the typical babyface personality piece with his wife and family, talking about his credentials as a former All-American college wrestler (actually not true at all, Brisco wrestled at Oklahoma State but never made the varsity team although his brother was an NCAA champion) and former WWF tag team champion (also not true, although the Briscos did hold the NWA tag title and may have been considered to win the WWF tag title in late 1984 but one day after a million straight days on the road Jack decided he'd had enough and flew home and never wrestled again and I don't believe Jerry wrestled much if at all after that either but has been in the front office ever since). Anyway, they showed Gerald, his wife and kids all smiling and Gerald praising McMahon and saying that everything he has was due to McMahon. They even got a plug in for his body shop in Tampa and showed him with Jack, who would now be 57, at the garage. It was a brilliant piece to portray him as a babyface to get him over stronger as a heel. I just hope they do a piece next week on Pat Patterson because there sure is a lot of rich material there.

This is just some great silly shit with Mr. Brisco isn’t it? Do you wish there would’ve been one of these for Pat Patterson like Meltzer brings up?

A vignette aired on Adam Copeland…

This is the first appearance of Edge - what did you think of the potential of Adam Copeland and did you see him as a top guy in the future?

[Q3: 5.8]… DX talked about the tag match later with DOA. LOD 2000 came out a few minutes later. Hawk said if DX has Mr. Ass, that makes Road Dog, “Mr. Hole.” He added, “You two make a nice pair.” Hawk challenged DX to an eight-man tag instead of a four-way match. When X-Pac accepted, Hawk said they especially wanted X-Pac’s ass, calling him “X-Lax.” X-Pac pointed at his crotch and told him to talk to it. Hawk said, “I can’t see it.” That line got a great pop…

This is probably the end of the Legion of Doom peak - did you think there was anything that could save them at this point?

From the Observer

Thank God for shows being taped so they were able to edit out when X-Pac called Hawk a douche bag.

Was that just too far?

(2) Dan Severn beat Savio Vega at 1:35…

Did Severn have a chance in this era of the WWF? Was he just two years too late?

Jerry Lawler interviewed Paul Bearer. They set the camera on the floor and pretended to be off air. Lawler lulled Bearer into explaining that Undertaker’s mother seduced him on the kitchen floor when he was a 19 year old virgin. Lawler said, “So Paul Bearer buries his baloney in Undertaker’s mother.” Bearer said Little Undertaker almost walked in on them. Bearer said, “One of her feet was in New York, the other in L.A.”…

This…this is some shit isn’t it JR?

Too far?

[Q4: 5.4]… After a commercial, Lawler apologized for the conversation inadvertently making it on the air…

From the Observer

“Paul Bearer deserves some sort of a medal for his performance when he "thought the camera was off" in doing the locker room gossip deal with Lawler. The Lawler apology afterwards was totally lame, although I guess as sincere as every other apology the WWF has offered in the past.”

Bearer was excellent in this though wasn’t he?

From the Observer

“Apparently they are building this angle up to DNA testing of Kane and Bearer to prove that indeed Paul is the father which means that indeed he did sleep with Undertaker's mom. There was some talk of Jerry Springer being on the show to reveal the results of the testing but the belief is Springer will be held off to play a more prominent role in the SummerSlam PPV.

The producer of Springer and Basil DeVito of WWF have been working on forging a business relationship since the two shows are going after the same audience and perhaps to pool their power when the inevitable backlash against them comes. “

Do you know how close things got with Jerry?

The timing of this 25 years later and Jerry passing away last week - did you ever have any dealings with Springer?

A video feature aired on Sable working out…

Mero came to the ring to wrestle Jarrett, but Blackman attacked Jarrett before the bell and they brawled to the back…

Jerry really embraced this era, didn't he?

From the Observer

Both versions of the Mero vs. Jeff Jarrett match that were taped in Richmond didn't air so I guess that tells you about the quality of those matches.

Jarrett and Mero actually wrestled a match, but Blackman missed his cue to run in twice, so Jarrett walked out on the match and was counted out. Jarrett returned to the ring once Blackman was told his cue again, they began wrestling, and Blackman finally interfered, although not before missing his cue again. McMahon decided to cut out of the whole mess rather than repair it.

How often did this happen do you think with matches taped and not airing?

How did Steve Blackman mess this up twice? What do you remember of this?

When is the talk of Jacqueline coming into the company - was she the only one considered to be with Mero?

Why Jacqueline?

From the Torch

[Q5: 5.8]… (3) The New Age Outlaws & Hunter & Chyna beat LOD 2000 (w/Sunny) & DOA via countout at 10:10. The ref ordered Sunny to leave ringside before the match. When the ref ordered Chyna to leave, X-Pac said she was wrestling and he was leaving. At 2:00 Chyna tagged in and gave Skull a huracanrana. At 6:00 Chyna tagged back, but Animal knocked her off the top rope. She low-blowed Hawk, then hit DOA. She challenged DOA to take a shot at her. She punched Hawk, who sold for her, then tagged Road Dog in. Eventually LOD and DOA began to in-fight and were counted out…

Any issues with the guys working with Chyna?

Any thoughts on not having the guys bump her like Animal did?

Was Waltman still not ready in the ring?

Could this had been better with a finish do you think? Is there too much going on?

[Q6: 5.5]… (4) Kane (w/Paul Bearer) fought Goldust to a no contest at 1:40 when Undertaker attacked Bearer. Kane and Undertaker had a pull apart brawl…

This will be the last appearance of Goldust during this era, was it time to move on from the character?

It’s tough for Kane-Taker to keep going after all they’ve done very quickly - I mean Kane got lit on fire at Unforgiven - what did you think of the story continuing?

“A recap aired of the Funk-Foley feud, including Foley’s home video footage of him diving off of his garage as a teenager and his bloody FMW bouts. They showed Funk crying backstage while Cactus paced in his locker room…”

This is one of these things that you never expect the WWE to discuss - why do you think they’ve turned into so anti-history when you have these types of features?

Are you happy AEW brings things up with history and past and doesn’t ignore it?

“[Q7: 5.5]… A Val Venis vignette aired where “he was on the movie set” with Jenna Jameson… “

JR - the gimmick of Val Venis being a porn star and having him involved with an actual porn star - any issues or qualms?

What’s your favorite Jenna Jameson movie?

What did you think the ceiling was for Val?

(5) Mick Foley beat Terry Funk at 15:40. Austin did color during the bout. He stood on the desk and drank a can of beer in one swallow. They announced Pat Patterson was the special ref. Funk dented a chair over Foley’s head in the first minute and it never slowed down. By 4:30 Foley was bleeding heavily from the forehead. Austin punched Lawler when his mic began having technical problems…

When this happens at ringside with Austin and Lawler what runs through your head?

How happy are you to see Terry and Cactus in the main event against each other?

[Q8: 5.4]… Funk hit a moonsault off the stands onto Foley and a beer vendor. Foley piledrove Funk through a table. Austin praised Foley for being at his sorry, sickening best when he scored the pin. When Foley kept beating on Funk, Austin threw a beer at his face. Foley mistakenly put the Mandible Claw on Patterson. Austin gave Patterson the Stunner. McMahon came out and reunited Foley with his Dude Love attire. They hugged and danced…

This moonsault is insane JR. Like holy shit!

The finish with Mick turning is great is it not?

Did Mick need this do you think? Was there just too much instability in the character?

From the Observer

And speaking of SummerSlam, I find it hard to believe the main event will be anything other than Austin vs. McMahon.

Do you think that was ever considered for SummerSlam?

Ratings from the Observer!

“Monday Night ratings were largely uneventful on 5/4. WWF, going unopposed, drew a 5.51 rating (5.47 first hour; 5.54 second hour) and 8.3 share, a little down from last week but still the second highest rating in the history of Raw.”

I mean JR this is some amazing stuff - from a company just 6-7 months before were worried about money - and now look at it…what do you actually credit it to? Mike Tyson, Steve Austin, Vince McMahon - even Eric Bischoff has said a lot of credit should go to Sean Waltman as well…

What did you think of the show JR?


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