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On this episode of 83 Weeks, Eric and Conrad discuss when WCW's ratings streak came to an end 25 years ago this week, as RAW defeated Nitro for the first time in 83 weeks! 

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Solid episode, really enjoyed the start of this with Eric and Conrad talking about AEW wembley (and Conrad saying "you just said something positive about AEW" haha) and the speculation about Endeavor with WWE and what changes for talent. And how about Eric with his radio!


Good episode. Only thing I heavily disagree with is Eric's stance on layoffs (in this case post-mergers): in Germany we call it "asocial", meaning it's a type of inhuman behavior. Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer. Awful


To be fair Eric was just talking about the reality of how mergers operate not the morality of it since I don't think he was a fan of the aol time Warner merger