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This week on Grilling JR, we’re talking about WrestleMania 27! WrestleMania 27 came from Atlanta, Georgia inside the Georgia Dome and it featured The Rock’s return to WWE for the first time in 7 years.

This pay-per-view was promoted as a dual-branded event between SmackDown & Raw on April 3rd in 2011. It featured three main events and is the only WrestleMania in history where no titles changed hands.

It was reported that Atlanta won out over Miami for the rights to host the event. What is it about Atlanta that makes it such a big part of wrestling lore?

Are you part of the process at the time of choosing what city would host WrestleMania and have you been in any of the pitch meetings for it or is that mostly the special events department that handles that?

This is the first WrestleMania in the state of Georgia. What was Atlanta like hosting all the events between Axxess, the Hall of Fame and Mania itself?

This is legitimately one of the longest builds to WrestleMania in the modern era. Elimination Chamber 2011 was held on February 20th while WrestleMania happens on April 3rd. That’s 42 days and 6 sets of Raw & SmackDowns. That’s a lot of creative and a long stretch to keep stories going. Back then do you think the WWE creative team could handle that?

After Elimination Chamber there’s a sort of shift in creative. The Undertaker AND Triple H return on the same night after being put out by Nexus (The Undertaker) and Sheamus (Triple H) to put together their match in a no words promo. Do you think it was the right move to transition these two together and what did you think of their way of setting the match up?

The Undertaker vignettes poised for his return were for the 2.21.11 promo which everyone assumed it was Sting...what do you think of that dream match and is it a shame that it probably isn’t going to happen?

Jerry Lawler’s mother passes away right before he’s scheduled to take on the Miz in his first (and only) WWE Title Match on Pay-Per-View. You were at the funeral reportedly and then he goes to the Elimination Chamber to still work the match. How close were Jerry & his mother and how much did this affect him?

As mentioned there’s a very long build to this show so we’re not gonna hit everything today but we’re going to hit the major parts.

First off let’s talk about your involvement in the show. When are you contacted about coming in and is your role that ended up happening how it all played out?

The Rock returns as stated the night after Elimination Chamber on Monday Night Raw and is announced as the Host of WrestleMania. How big for the company was bringing back the Rock?

The week The Rock is announced as the host Monday Night Raw does 4.7 million viewers for the first hour and 4.82 million viewers for the second hour.

The week after Rock’s first appearance and the end of the 2.21.11 vignettes does 5.89 million for the first hour and 5.82 million viewers for the second hour. Do you attribute that to just the Rock or also the build to the Undertaker and the possibility of Sting?

The ratings only dip under 5 million for one hour, on the March 21st edition of Raw. How impressive is that...and how crazy is it that no one is cracking 2 million viewers for just one hour of TV currently just 10 years later?

One of the big controversies going into this WrestleMania is the handling of Michael Cole as the lead announcer and also him portraying such a heavy heel role. One of the lead criticisms at the time was that it makes the product tough to watch when the lead play-by-play guy is working as a heel and that he was really Vince’s voice more so now than ever. Do you think that’s a fair assessment?

At Elimination Chamber John Cena wins to get the right to face The Miz. The sizzle and the steak here is obviously Rock & Cena. Could this had worked with any other heel besides Miz who could be close to equal on the mic but also not over shadow them?

The real build is Rock and Cena with Miz & his protege Alex Riley as the distractions. Did Miz matter?

It’s announced that you will be getting the Lou Thesz award at the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Hall of Fame in Waterloo, IA for your work outside the realm of pro wrestling with the Support Our Troops initiative. How important was that work to you and the honor bestowed upon you?

On an episode of Raw in the build up to Mania you appear during a promo war between Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler & Brian Christopher. From the Observer: “Jim Ross’ music played and Ross came out to a big reaction. Cole said he expected this day would come and that he’s now the voice of the WWE. Ross said the fans were the voice of WWE. Interesting he didn’t say WWE Universe, the phrase that immediately screams scripted promo and would have taken the edge off this segment. They went back and forth and Ross went to leave but Cole acted like Ross was walking away from a fight. Ross got back in the ring and slowly took off his jacket and tie and loosened his shirt. Cole did the same. It’s almost funny how the crowd reacted to seeing Ross tease getting into a fight as compared to the wrestlers. Before they touched, which would not have been pretty, Swagger showed up and attacked Lawler at the desk. Swagger than hit the ring and pounded on Ross and put him in the ankle lock. Ross was selling like crazy. I was surprised how they didn’t go for the obvious heat given that Ross was the guy who got Swagger into WWE and do the tease he wouldn’t attack him and then make him more of a heel by then attacking him. Plus, in the commentary, this very obvious story wasn’t mentioned. Lawler ran in to save Ross but Cole jumped on Lawler’ back and Swagger attacked Lawler and put him in the ankle lock while Cole put Ross in the ankle lock and both were left laying. Cole was just tremendous here. Brian Lawler was not good but his appearance did set up the key part of the angle, and everyone else was great in their respective roles.”

Lot to unpack here. How much was scripted? Is it true Swagger twisted you too hard and legit hurt your leg and ankle? Was this just Vince letting out some frustration on you as usual in these types of programs?

You do a house show in Oklahoma City where you came out and announced you knew who was the Raw General Manager...Mack Brown (who at the time was the head coach of Texas...OU’s perennial arch-rival). Who put this spot together and did you enjoy ring announcing Randy Orton and The Miz for the WWE Title? Was it a surprise to not be humiliated in your home town?

John “Sir Oliver Humperdink” Sutton passes away on March 19th. What are your memories of Humperdink?

Chris Jericho is doing Dancing with the Stars during this time. How important was it for Chris to branch out on his own and create his own identity outside of WWE?

You’re booked to do autograph signings at Fan Axxess. When is it determined you’ll be announcing at Mania?

It’s also reported that you’re up for the job as the football voice of the Oklahoma Sooners but it didn’t happen as the job went to Toby Rowland. What was that process like and was there a sense of disappointment it didn’t happen?

From the Observer on the open of the 3/21 Raw: “Raw opened with the University of Oklahoma fight song playing as Justin Roberts announcing to welcome the voice of the WWE, Jim Ross. However, it was Michael Cole coming out with a pillow to make him look fat, with something in his mouth to kind of mock the Bell’s Palsy (they really could have done without that one), holding barbecue sauce and his ankle in a mock bandage. Easy heat. Cole got into the Cole mine, locked the door, and had a big bodyguard (Chad Williams, an indie guy from Absolute Intense Wrestling) in front of the Cole mine.”

Was any of this cleared with you? What did you think of the mocking of you?

You wrote on Twitter, “Don’t know how much clearer I can make this to all, I am not broadcasting at WM 27.” Was this you working that you weren’t or were you still under the impression you weren’t?

Snooki is booked to appear at WrestleMania. What’s your favorite Snooki moment Jim?

It’s been said that it went back and forth over what the main event would be between HHH & Undertaker and Cena & Miz with Rock. Going into the show did you think the right decision was to end with Cena & Miz?

Steve Austin is announced as being the special guest referee for Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler at Mania. It’s always nice to see Steve I’m sure but do you feel it was needed for this match for him to be added?

David “Fit” Finlay is fired by the company after a house show on 3/25 in Champaign, IL. Miz interrupts the national anthem to get some heel heat and the Army National Guard complains and Finlay is the fall guy. What do you think of Finlay and looking at the situation do you feel he should’ve been let go?

The Hall of Fame takes place at the Phillips Arena. Here are the inductees and give me some thoughts on each!

  • Drew Carey for the Celebrity Wing
  • The Road Warriors
  • Abdullah the Butcher
  • Sunny
  • “Bullet” Bob Armstrong
  • Jim Dugan
  • Shawn Michaels

Before we get to the show itself let’s talk about the financials. WrestleMania XXVII generated 1,059,000 pay-per-view buys which is up 30% domestically and 15% internationally from WrestleMania XXVI headlined by The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels in a Streak vs Career Match.

Is the full difference in your opinion The Rock being featured heavily for the uptick?

It generated $6.6 million in revenue from ticket sales and supposedly generated $62.1 million in economic impact for Atlanta. It was the first legitimate sell out for Mania since the Donald Trump Mania in Detroit in 07. At the time it was ranked 6th for biggest crowd in WWE history. The $6.6 million was at the time the second largest gate in WWE history behind the Houston Mania 25th Anniversary show.

Let’s get to the show JR!

From the Wrestling Observer readers it was a mixed bag. 35.2% voted thumbs up, 33.1% thumbs down and 31.7% in the middle.

A. The show opened with Sheamus retaining the U.S. title in 3:00 going to a no contest with Daniel Bryan. It was an unadvertised lumberjack match and all the lumberjacks began fighting each other. This led to Teddy Long coming out and ordering everyone involved into a Battle Royal. In the arena, this did not get over very good, particularly to the people on the floor who paid for the expensive tickets and a lot of them were very angry.

B. Great Khali threw out Sheamus to win the Battle Royal. Said to be just like any Battle Royal with no story just thrown out there.

I know this is always done to get everyone on the show but is it even worth it? How disappointing is it to see two guys like Bryan & Sheamus only get this opportunity on the show?

The Rock, in his role as guest host, opened the show, wearing his new Rock fashion merchandise, the “Team Bring It” sweatshirt.

This didn’t really do much but it set the stage for what is essentially “the Rock’s” show.

1. Edge pinned Alberto Del Rio in 11:08 with a spear to retain the World title. Finish saw Christian hit Brodie Clay with a tornado DDT on the floor. Del Rio escaped the submission, but when he got up, Edge speared him for the pin. ***½

Knowing what we know now, that Edge was hurt and retired a week later, this performance is really impressive. But the question at the time and then right after he retired was...wasn’t this the spot to put the rocket on ADR?

2. Cody Rhodes pinned Rey Mysterio in 11:56. Mysterio put on Rhodes’ mask and did a series of Mil Mascaras flying cross chops, followed by a diving head-butt wearing the plastic mask for a near fall. Rhodes rolled out of the ring. Mysterio went after him with a tope, but Rhodes clobbered him with his own knee brace and threw him in the ring. Rhodes then got the pin after Crossroads. Match was solid, but lacked heat. **½

How good is Cody at this point in his career? Rey is just Rey and always good. Do you think the plastic mask took away or added to Cody?

Snoop Dogg and everyone who wasn’t on the show did this whole skit. Moving on.

3. Big Show & Kane & Kofi Kingston & Santino Marella beat The Corre of Wade Barrett & Ezekiel Jackson & Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel in 1:33. Marella hit the cobra on Slater, and Show delivered a knockout punch. Fast paced and all you could say is they did what they could with the hand dealt them, but they had no chance to have any kind of a match. ½*

From Nexus to The Corre...it just feels like a gigantic fall from grace on what was such a hot gimmick in the beginning. Did we need 13 minutes of Snoop Dogg and to even have this match?

Rock is with Eve Torres, Mae Young and then Rock and Austin run into each other and shake hands. What a surreal moment between the two after all their WrestleMania battles...and it happens backstage. Somehow a wasted moment?

4. Randy Orton pinned C.M. Punk in 14:45. Orton used a draping DDT and teased a punt, but his knee gave out. Punk started laughing. Orton went for the RKO out of nowhere, but Punk escaped. Punk then went outside the ring to do a springboard move, but as he flew off Orton caught him with the RKO for the pin. Match was fine, slow and deliberate, finishing move very good. ***

Just seems like running in place at this point and it’s all fodder for the Rock don’t you agree?

Rock backstage with Mean Gene, Pee Wee Herman...then to the Hall of Fame ceremony. This doesn’t feel much like the biggest show of the year so far does it?

Here we go Jim. Time for your involvement!

5. Michael Cole beat Jerry Lawler via DQ with Steve Austin as referee in 13:45. They brought out Booker T and Jim Ross to announce. Cole was wearing a wrestling singlet and wrestling headgear, all orange (he wasn’t trying to get Taz mad, but he went to the University of Syracuse and their nickname is the Orangemen) looking like he was out of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” Cole said Ross had the second biggest ego in sports entertainment. He then said Lawler had the biggest ego, saying Lawler and Ross were both overweight, overrated and over the hill. Swagger came out and Austin tried to run him over in his jeep when he came out. Cole ran into the Cole Mine and was stalling in the box. Lawler attacked Swagger and threw him into the post and then the barricade. Lawler then pulled him out and threw him into the General Manager’s mic stand. They actually got in the ring at the 2:45 mark of the match. Cole distracted Austin so Swagger interfered and attacked Lawler. Lawler ended up on the floor and Swagger used the ankle lock. Cole then went to work on Lawler. Lawler selling went too long and led to the match dying and some catcalling. Cole pulled down his strap and put on the ankle lock. Lawler was selling this lousy looking ankle lock. It wasn’t quite Hogan selling for Jay Leno, but it wasn’t far off either. Lawler kicked him off and made a comeback. Lawler was stomping Cole in the corner. Swagger threw in the towel. Austin ignored it. Booker T explained, “It’s sports entertainment. Not boxing. It’s acting.” Austin threw the towel back at Swagger. Swagger came in and argued with Austin, who gave him a stunner. Lawler made the comeback with punches on Cole, including hitting a real good dropkick at 61 years of age. Lawler pulled down his strap and used a fist drop, but picked Cole up at two. Lawler used the ankle lock. Cole was tapping like crazy and Austin ignored it. He was screaming “I give” and finally Austin called for the bell. Post-match was a beer bash. Booker T came in, and did a spinneroonie. Austin and Lawler kept bashing beer cans, while Lawler, who doesn’t drink, was pouring the beer out off camera. Booker and Austin were drinking and then Austin gave Booker a stunner as well. The G.M. dinged in and Josh Matthews read the message, saying that because of biased officiating, Michael Cole is the winner of the match. Lawler got so mad he threw Matthews in the ring so Austin could give him a stunner. It became clear the idea was for the rest of the show have Ross and Lawler call it together.*

So much to unpack here. When did you find out you were announcing and had to start with announcing this show? How was Booker to work with? What did you think of the whole presentation...and how big a deal was it for Jerry to finally get a WrestleMania match. Thoughts on the finish?

6. Undertaker beat HHH in a no holds barred match in 29:22. Undertaker got in the ring and did the running dive over the top. That was scary since HHH didn’t catch him, and if he broke his fall at all, it was very little. Undertaker look like he landed almost on his head. But he got up and continued the match. He got up and ran at HHH, who gave him a turning spinebuster through the Spanish announcers table. Both were selling that one for a while. First big near fall was Undertaker using a choke slam that HHH kicked out of. Undertaker went for the last ride power bomb, but HHH drove him into the turnbuckles. Undertaker came back for another last ride power bomb, but HHH escaped. HHH went for his first pedigree, but Undertaker escaped. Undertaker used the snake eyes and went for the follow up running high kick, but HHH turned it into another spinebuster for a near fall. At this point in the match, nobody bought that HHH could win as the crowd was completely quiet. HHH brought in a chair but Undertaker kicked him in the face. Undertaker hit HHH hard in the back with a chair. However, HHH came back and hit the pedigree out of nowhere for a near fall. Undertaker used a last ride power bomb for a near fall. Real big pop for HHH kicking out of that one, and they were off to the races from here. The fans did not buy HHH winning on the first pedigree but they did buy Undertaker winning. Undertaker used a tombstone piledriver for a near fall. Crowd popped big for that one. Undertaker went for a second tombstone piledriver, but HHH escaped and used a DDT onto the chair. This followed an ugly looking pedigree where Undertaker landed badly and Undertaker kicked out. HHH did another pedigree and Undertaker kicked out again. Then HHH grabbed the chair and hit Undertaker with ten hard chair shots to the back, bending the chair up. Undertaker got to his feet and then HHH hit him with the hard chair shot to the head. Everything was slowed down here. Undertaker snatched HHH’s neck but HHH started laughing because Undertaker had lost all his super powers and was too weak. HHH then gave Undertaker a tombstone and Undertaker kicked out. The people actually bought at this point that HHH could win. HHH had acted confident after the chair shots that he was going to win, but freaked out when Undertaker kicked out at this point. He then went outside the ring for the sledge hammer. He brought the sledge hammer into the ring but before he could use it, Undertaker put on the gogoplata. Well, that was the idea anyway. It wasn’t exactly smooth. The idea was Undertaker was weakened so he didn’t put HHH away with it. HHH then grabbed the sledge hammer while still in the hold and was about to whack Undertaker, but at that point he was weakened and dropped the sledge hammer. He tried to pick it up, but couldn’t. He tried to escape, but couldn’t. And then he tapped out. Undertaker did the sell job of the century, that he couldn’t move due to all the punishment from the match. He tried to get up but fell down outside the ring. The one give away is that they were moving him, which they wouldn’t do if he was really hurt. He rolled on the floor and then stopped moving. They took him out on a stretcher on a cart. ****½

The beginning of the trilogy is a lot to live up to and live up to the previous HBK - Taker match from the year before. These two beat the holy hell out of each other and it was great.

7. John Morrison & Trish Stratus & Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi beat Dolph Ziggler & Layla & Michelle McCool in 3:14. They had no time and had to rush through stuff. Stratus did her trademark Matrix back bend deal, the handstand head scissors (which was countered) and the Chick kick. Morrison clotheslined Ziggler over the top and gave him the Starship pain to the floor. Morrison tagged Snooki, and the place started booing as they didn’t want to see her. She did the double round off on McCool into the corner, a back flip and then a splash on McCool for the pin. *

Throw away match here but it’s just amazing all the talent in the ring (well minus Snooki) and this is what comes out.

Time for the main event.

8. The Miz pinned John Cena in 15:18 to retain the WWE title in the main event. Cena was draped over the apron and Miz did a running kneelift. Jim Ross mentioned it was a Million Dollar kneelift in Atlanta (Mr. Wrestling II, who was one of the big stars in Atlanta of the 70s, used the million dollar kneelift as his finisher). Cena gave Miz a wind sprint clothesline which sent Miz over the barricade. Then, with the cameras somewhere else, Cena ran and jumped over the barricade and clotheslined Miz, whose head hit the ground where there was no padding. At this point both guys were counted out at 14:43. Rock came out and before he could say anything, the General Manager dinged. This led to Rock throwing the computer on the ground and Rock said that this is WrestleMania and nobody wanted to see a double count out. So he was ordering it restarted, no DQ, no count out, not time limit. As they both got in the ring, Cena got Miz up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Rock hit the Rock bottom on Cena and Miz pinned him in :35. The crowd didn’t really react the finish as they were confused. They were happy Cena lost. They were happy Rock got back at Cena. But it was such a heel move that they didn’t cheer it either. Miz was celebrating in the ring, and Rock started punching him around, and gave him a spinebuster and people’s elbow to end the show. *1/4

What did you think of the ending? Was anything changed when Miz was knocked silly on the clothesline over the barricade? Like the rest of the show and minus Taker - HHH...it was all just fodder until Rock got involved. But it’s the perfect ending to send the crowd home happy with Cena not winning and Rock getting to do the people’s elbow.

What say you Jim, thumbs up, thumbs in the middle or thumbs down?


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