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I thought I could just reuse Tricia's headmod for Beth but when I started working I noticed I would have to redo the headmod. Since reshaping a head means you have to fix every animation, it ends up being easier to remake them. I like how these are coming out, i think the results look way better than what we had in the past, in my opinion.

Anyways... I just want to reiterate, thank you for you patience. These are hundreds of hours invested and your support makes it worth the effort.  I'm very happy to know I have you guys backing me up. I've been reading some of the messages you've been sending on Discord that I couldn't read and I'll be addressing some misconceptions in the next update ;3

Almost forgot, there were some issues with the prior version of Beth's mods. It should be not a problem if you use the updated mods but if you're having issues in the future with Beth or Jessica, check the Extra notes I left in the download ;3





Great work. Hope we get Summer sometime soon!

Sean O'Keeffe

The mods are in the right folder but not reading, anyone have an idea?


For some reason when I load the card the body is completely misshapen. Any reason why that might be happening?