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I hope you like her. There was a lot of dedication put into her headmod. I did the most I could with her expressions. I think it works nicely though. Let me know what you think in the comments ;3

I had some issues with Beth and Jessica regarding past files. I'm going to be giving you some instructions in their downloads in case you have issues but suffice to note that if you have prior files from Beth and Jessica inside Sideloader, you should probably delete those so you don't have issue later ;3




Did Beth and Jessica get updated?


Firstly, you did a great job with Tricia; you captured the R&M style really well. But quick question: back in May you ran a Deluxe Poll where Wednesday Addams won. I was wondering if you had any plans on getting around to making her sometime in the future?


Windows defender keeps telling me theres a trojan in the download


The files are innocuous. There is a .png and a .zipmod with unity files inside. I think it's the first time I hear WD reacting. Maybe it doesn't like that the unity files change the way KK works. But for anyone's sake, you can run your own Virus Total scans if you feel uneasy: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/eb896997eda327949fb9008921a9bdbd49dc229a9e834be8073ce4e45006ecd7?nocache=1 And anyone is welcome to scan it to if you feel uneasy. ;3


it said the download is no longer available


Um, maybe I'm mistaken but there is no PNG file in the Tricia Download


how to download??? im dumb