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Gallery - Made by PickledJoi

Videogame polls are here! Remember we're taking the top voted options on Discord for the composition of this poll! Vote for all your favourite options. Also, remember I'll be taking, from the winners, which ones shall go to Deluxe based on how much I think I'm going to have to be working.

This is a short (less than 24 hour) elimination round, so vote for your favourite characters so the best shall pass to the next and final round. Don't forget to check the rest of the list:

Part 2

Now VOTE! |ΦωΦ|


Desmond Davis, Jr

I wonder why nobody renominated Liara.


I personally like Ashelin Praxis and Judgement, because of their looks, which are different and distinctive. But I see people are again voting for the plainest, most featureless characters in the poll.


how I want Angie Díaz from star vs the forces of evil to be