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Look at that poster! it brings in so many memories of past times and have we gone far! What better way to start a new year/cycle - after our 2 year anniversary - than remaking Jasmine. She has also  been requested by you guys for a long time and although she technically DID NOT win in our anniversary poll (due to a multiplier) I thought: "what the heck, let's do it as an extra-extra release for you guys. Why not?". I hope you are going to like this surprise ;3

If you are one of those who reads through all that I write - first of all - thank you. Second, It's alll a LIE. I didn't plan this. I'm a bad foxy! (T n T). I finished Zatanna and talking to some of you no one seemed to recognise her. I had done an oopsie - or should I say - a foxie? ( ¬ u ¬)... no,  I had to restart another Zatanna but I wasn't gonna make it on time. So in my desperation I remembered I had started working on Jasmine, grabbed my old files, retoplogised, fixed a bunch of stuff and I haven't stopped working since yesterday but it's coming together.

Naturally, I'm a bit tired and I know there are things that I still have to fix but that'll be  tomorrow. I'm at my limit today but in the meantime I'd like to know your comments. Also, here is a list of possible answers to possible questions:

  • Zatanna will come very soon, it'll be a double release, I'm very proud of how the first version came out, it's a very very solid 3d model that I want to expand a bit more.
  • Julia from Jab is the offical winner of the anniversary poll.
  • The Exclusive poll is coming soon, most likely tomorrow.

Alrighty, hope you have a good nighty! ( U w U)  z z Z




Hells yes! Jasmine remake, Zatanna soon and the Julia fans get something? Delgado rules!


Is that Julia from Jab Comix? Zatanna would be from DC Comics, right?


I like DC but never heard of Zatanna before. Until i saw her in the pool. Julia was a thing for me like 6-8 Years ago. But i am really excited for Star and Harley.


Obviously very very Happy to see her getting the remake, and as anticipated you are getting the nose, hair, body and clothes much much much better now. I really feel she needed this remake with your new skills you gained. As I've said she was the apart of the trio (Jasmine, Nani and Chel) that brought me here and you already did a Perfect Chel remake. So now I'm going to have to start voting for a Nani Remake to hopefully complete that trio again.


Yes I know XD, I noticed too watching the turnaround, yeterday. It's a common problem with big pants, but it's solved now :3


I think you were going to do Julia anyway, am I right ? XD Thank you anyway you are ultra nice for the double release. Glad to be your patreon

Rikou Hogashi

btw i hope you can change the color of her pants because theres so much potencial for Dancer Outfits with that!