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So I've been meticulously working on the models I had on-hand of Elastigirl and Violet because frankly, the ones I had were dated. So the past few days I've done my best to edit the textures, reflective maps, bump maps, etc. to appear as close to their movie counterparts as possible. Here is a fully rendered image from the story I'm working on where Violet has given her mom some goggles to try on (hint hint).

I've always wanted to make a story featuring these two, though I wasn't sure if any of you wanted to see something like that. But last week's poll was a good indication I was wrong. So basically, what was going to be a single image because of the poll has now turned into a full story featuring Elastigirl and Violet (and right now I can feel the creativity flowing!). So this week, we are going to skip week 2's polls in favor of this. 

I'm going to try and not get into the habit of this though as I would like to make the weekly polls a recurring thing. Thanks!




Ya know I really wouldn't blame Violet

Jack Frost

Cannot wait for this one! Models are looking great so far


Looking good so far ☺🖤❤