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긴시간 어떤 공지사항도 없이 연락이 끊겨 죄송합니다

어떤 변명으로도 이해받을수 없다는 것을 알고 있습니다

그래도 제 근황을 알리고 염치없게 글을 적습니다

컴퓨터를 하는 것이 자가면역질환자에겐 꽤 부담되는 일이라

답변을 제대로 해드리지 못했습니다

건강이 나빠지면서 몇년전 완치되었던 난치성 자가면역질환이 재발되었습니다

몸이 안좋아지니 이전처럼 즐겁게 작업할 수 없어서 괴로웠습니다

치료를 위해 최대한 휴식을 해야해서 작업을 할 수가 없었고 또 언제부터 작업을 할 수 있을지 알 수 없었습니다

결국 스테로이드와 자가면역억제제 항암주사를 맞으며 치료를 진행했습니다

조금이라도 좋아지면 작업을 재개할 수 있으면 와야지 하다가 이렇게 늦어져 버렸습니다

다시한번 정말 죄송합니다

우선 아직 마무리하지 못한 보상을 마감하겠습니다

아직 치료가 마무리가 된 것이 아니라서 보상일정을 빠르게 공지할 수 없는점 이해 부탁드립니다 

2주정도 뒤에 다시 근황을 올리러 오겠습니다



Hello It's Milkychu

Sorry for the loss of contact without any notice

I know that no excuses can be understood

However, I am writing to inform you of my current situation and to write without hesitation.

I couldn't give a proper answer because working on a computer is quite a burden for autoimmune disease patients.

As my health deteriorated, the intractable autoimmune disease that was cured a few years ago recurred.

It was painful because I couldn't work as happily as before because I was not feeling well.

I couldn't work because I had to rest as much as possible for treatment, and I didn't know when I would be able to work.

In the end, I was treated with steroids and the autoimmune suppressant rituximab chemotherapy.

If it gets any better, I should come back if I can resume work, but it got delayed like this.

I'm really sorry again

First of all, I will close the unfinished rewards.

Please understand that the compensation schedule cannot be announced quickly because the treatment has not been completed yet.

I'll come back to post my status in about 2 weeks.

thank you



2주지났어요 선생님..


We are waiting for you, untill you are able to come back