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Colors next! Lady Xpray chilling and enjoying some time alone while she rests her tired hand on a comfy place.

Also, thank you for your good wishes in the previous post. My family and I are in risk of passing through very rough times soon, so I'm deeply thankful for your kind words and your support. You truly mean the world to me.



Julian Hartmann

Those soles need a massage... But which appendage would you choose to apply it?


It's the least we can do man. I completely agree with Fen. I think my previous comment got partially eaten by patreon. It seems to not handle the heart emoticon properly and deletes everything afterwards, at least it appears that way on desktop. It said Lady X is looking very peacefull ^^


My deepest thanks, Shrapnull 💛 And yeah, for some reason Patreon's text boxes do weird stuff when someone types anything that contains a "Less-than" sign, including a heart emoticon x3