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Hi everyone!

It's a new month so it's time for the September newsletter!

We'll start with the poll winners for this month:

First we have our Prequel Poll winner, Softened With Age:

You'll see a smaller sized Vie later this month.

Next we have the Explicit Edit Poll winners, Rapid Density Increase, and Blunt Blade:

Chubby Tier patrons will see explicit edits of Angelina and Mythra on Sunday the 10th and 24th.

And finally, the Sketch Upgrade poll winner is Hannah, one of my Super-Fat tier patron's OC's:

This sketch will be upgraded over the course of tonight's and Thursday's streams so be sure to join if you want to watch the process.

That's all I have to share for now, but I'm also working towards a new project that should be announced relatively soon.

Hope you've all had a good Summer and are looking forwards to an Autumn full of fats!


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