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Hiya everyone! It's the first Monday of a new month so time for me to share the latest newsletter.

We'll start out with the poll results for this month:

Firstly, for the Prequel Poll, we have Crowded Kitchen:

You can expect to see Megumi far more mobile later this month.

Next up is the Sketch Upgrade Poll winner, Samus from Metroid:

Be sure to join tonight's and Thursday's streams if you want to watch me turn this sketch into a piece.

Finally, we have our Explicit Poll winners, Beer Belly and Pampered Fat Cow:

I will also be posting the first two pieces from this batch of commissions later in the month.

I also have a few WIPs to share:

And as usual, there's some more surprises coming out that I hope you will all enjoy!

That's everything for now. I hope you all have a great month and look forward to what's to come!



Oh my god!! A May??? That’s not too overly big??? PRAISE, not being into SSBBW’s has been a STUGGLE lately since they’re all that ever win polls 😭


So, when you do a sketch, do you usually start with a thin blank figure for the pose, then add the fat? Or do you just start with the fat version?


Wow, those WIPs look great! 😩👌