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I just wanted to thank you all for wishing me well after I hurt my eye. It's doing a lot better now, but I've still got a little more recovering to do. Streams will be starting again on Thursday if all goes to plan!

Thanks again everyone. It means a lot that so many people care and I can't wait until things get back to normal!



Wish you speedy recovery


So happy to hear that, I wish you the best of luck buddy! ☺️🙌


Keep on recovering, Salt.


Hooray! Your recovery is “in sight”


Please don't get salt or pepper in your eye. I know your namesake and your assistant's namesake would imply otherwise, but seasoning your eye will not make it heal any better.

Styg Skye

Hoping for a swift and relaxing return to health!

Bigby Lies

Glad you're feeling better! Take it easy!

Toon Boy

Glad you are doing well! Stay safe

Brandon Booth

Glad things are looking better