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Season's Greetings everyone! It's time to update you all on what's happening this month!

So as I'm sure you're aware, last month we reached the 9k milestone. To celebrate, we held a new Sequence Poll, the winner of which was Melony from Pokémon:

Due to how full this month's schedule is you can look forward to seeing this three part sequence in January!

Next up we'll go over the Monthly Polls:

First, the winner of the Christmas Sketch Upgrade Poll was Mei from Overwatch:

Be sure to tune in for tonight's and Thursday's streams to watch me turn this sketch into a piece!

For the Christmas Fan Art Poll we also have Melony:

This piece will be finished and posted on the runup to Christmas.

And for the Explicit Poll we have "This Dress Makes Me Look Fat" and Santa Does Not Dream of Chubby Girl Senpai:

Explicit Courtney was posted yesterday but you can expect to see Mai receive the same treatment later in the month.

I also have a little announcement about Couple Stuff. I have been restructuring the rest of the comic to try and add some idea's I've had since starting the comic. As a result, it's turned from a 17 page comic to a 20 page comic. I'm really excited to share the rest of it with you all!

I also have a few secret drawings you'll be seeing later on in the month.

So for now, that's all I have to share. I hope you all have fun during this season of festivity and enjoy what I have to share throughout it!



I’m happy for your comic getting 3 more pages more room to expand also yesssssssss my Santa mei is getting the upgrade treatment


3 more pages for Couple Stuff lets goooooooo. Happy holidays Salt :)


Is Mai the girl in the other explicit poll or the other girl in couple stuff? I’m unsure.

Devin Statetzny

So excited about the extra pages for Couple stuff!! You’re too kind salt!