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Give a suggestion of a preexisting full-color artwork of mine you'd like to see a continuation of! You can just leave the name, or offer suggestions of details along with it if you'd like



Sexy sequel to Soft and Sudsy!

Captain Rocko

Sewer Jam! I want to see April get even bigger!!


expanding creative possibilities, with jiro trying to help momo walk away post chair session, and underestimating her heftiness please.


Full of Love. More OC goodness.


Five Buns Full, with Ichika trying to help Nino put on a par of pants while Mikku and Yotsuba do the same for Itsuki. Ichika and Yotsuba should be as fat as Miku. Nino and Itsuki should be the biggest sisters.

Pat Boone

Soft squeeze


Filling Out Her Role - As Nicole rises through the ranks as chef, she outgrows the largest size uniform available, and has to improvise.


How about a sequel to Automeal Mechanic: Blubberhood with a size up for Winry


Can we have a sequel to Soft Squeeze? It would be nice to see the girls all big and full after the movie ends. https://www.deviantart.com/better-with-salt/art/Soft-Squeeze-823299183


Maxing out affection, even more training


What's Twenty More When You've Already Had A Hundred! Except now it's two hundred more when they've already had two thousand ;)


Jamming issues make her immobile because of her dumptruck and thighs

Bigby Lies

More Momo Jiro love!!

Some Dude

A continuation of Part-Time Worker, Full-Time Snacker. Chiho about 800 lbs struggling to find something that fits in preparation for the unexpectedly announced new season since I don’t think anyone expected more of the show.


How about Dragon's Day Out and have Lucoa join in on the fun with the others


That's a bit further than I'm willing to go with these polls, that's 5 characters. If I just do Nino and Itsuki with the other girls just being hands off-screen, that would be feasible