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A new addition to the Dungeon Tavern is Kita, the rogue. She has proven incredibly adept at sneaking into the dungeon to pilfer treasures unseen. However, she's no stranger to battling the many gooey and slimy perils the deepest depths of the dungeon has to offer. She has many tales to tell.. At a price of course!

"Cough up 5 gold each and I'll tell ya' some real juicy peril stories! I'll paint the picture alright, all the tasty details! 5 Gold each I said!!"

A little world building first as we learn a bit more of the Tavern, it's patrons and the Dungeon deep below.. First we learn of a newcomer, Kita.




This is a longshot guess but her name got anything to do with it happening to mean "Maw" in Finnish?


Nope! Although she certainly looks tasty, I don't think those horns would be too fun to have in your maw! lol


She'll make a scrumptious snack for a dungeon denizen.